Refactor for ghc 9.0 compat

This commit is contained in:
Malte Brandy 2022-03-16 13:40:30 +01:00
parent a2e6935d1c
commit 9b388aaac8
9 changed files with 54 additions and 43 deletions

.hlint.yaml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- ignore: {name: Avoid lambda}
- ignore: {name: Avoid lambda using `infix`}

View file

@ -48,11 +48,11 @@
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1646254136,
"narHash": "sha256-8nQx02tTzgYO21BP/dy5BCRopE8OwE8Drsw98j+Qoaw=",
"lastModified": 1647297614,
"narHash": "sha256-ulGq3W5XsrBMU/u5k9d4oPy65pQTkunR4HKKtTq0RwY=",
"owner": "nixos",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "3e072546ea98db00c2364b81491b893673267827",
"rev": "73ad5f9e147c0d2a2061f1d4bd91e05078dc0b58",
"type": "github"
"original": {

View file

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
devShell = haskellPackages.shellFor {
packages = _: [defaultPackage];
buildInputs = [inputs.pre-commit-hooks.defaultPackage.${system}];
buildInputs = [inputs.pre-commit-hooks.defaultPackage.${system} haskellPackages.haskell-language-server];
withHoogle = true;
inherit (self.checks.${system}.pre-commit-check) shellHook;

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.STM (check, modifyTVar, swapTVar)
import Control.Exception (IOException, try)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Time (ZonedTime, getZonedTime)
import System.IO (hFlush)
import qualified System.IO
import Streamly (SerialT) -- Keep this import for streamly < 0.8 compat
import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as FL
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ parseStream (parse -> parseFresh) = S.concatMap snd . S.scanl' step (Nothing, me
Stream update ->
Result update ->
(Maybe (Text -> Result update), Stream update)
process = \parseRest acc -> \case
process parseRest acc = \case
Done "" result -> (Nothing, acc <> pure result)
Done rest result -> parseRest (acc <> pure result) (parseFresh rest)
Fail{} -> (Nothing, acc)
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ writeStateToScreen linesVar stateVar bufferVar maintenance printer = do
-- Write new output to screen.
ByteString.putStr buffer
when (linesToWrite > 0) $ putTextLn output
hFlush stdout
System.IO.hFlush stdout
interact ::
forall update state.

View file

@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ printBuilds nomState@MkNOMV1State{..} maxHeight = printBuildsWithTime
_ -> pass
get' :: NOMState b -> b
get' = flip evalState nomState
get' procedure = evalState procedure nomState
showSummary :: DependencySummary -> Text
showSummary MkDependencySummary{..} =

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import NOM.Update.Monad (
import NOM.Util (foldMapEndo, (.>), (<.>>), (<|>>), (|>))
import NOM.Util (foldMapEndo, (.>), (<|>>), (|>))
data StorePathState = DownloadPlanned | Downloading Host | Uploading Host | Downloaded Host | Uploaded Host
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Generic)
@ -147,10 +147,10 @@ getRunningBuildsByHost :: Host -> NOMState (DerivationMap RunningBuildInfo)
getRunningBuildsByHost host = getRunningBuilds <|>> CMap.filter (buildHost .> (== host))
lookupStorePathId :: StorePathId -> NOMState StorePath
lookupStorePathId = getStorePathInfos <.>> storePathName
lookupStorePathId pathId = getStorePathInfos pathId <|>> storePathName
lookupDerivationId :: DerivationId -> NOMState Derivation
lookupDerivationId = getDerivationInfos <.>> derivationName
lookupDerivationId drvId = getDerivationInfos drvId <|>> derivationName
type NOMState a = forall m. MonadState NOMV1State m => m a
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ getDerivationId drv = do
drv2out :: DerivationId -> NOMState (Maybe StorePath)
drv2out drv =
gets (derivationInfos .> CMap.lookup drv >=> outputs .> Map.lookup "out")
>>= mapM lookupStorePathId
>>= mapM (\pathId -> lookupStorePathId pathId)
out2drv :: StorePathId -> NOMState (Maybe DerivationId)
out2drv path = gets (storePathInfos .> CMap.lookup path >=> storePathProducer)

View file

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ sortDepsOfSet parents = do
sort_key :: DerivationId -> SortKey
sort_key = memo (sortKey currentState)
parents |> CSet.toList .> mapM_ sort_parent
parents |> CSet.toList .> mapM_ \drvId -> sort_parent drvId
-- We order by type and disambiguate by the number of a) waiting builds, b) running builds
type SortKey =

View file

@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ updateState result (inputAccessTime, inputState) = do
[ -- First check if we this is the first time that we receive input (for error messages)
, -- Update the state if any changes where parsed.
maybe (pure False) processResult result
case result of
Just result' -> processResult result'
Nothing -> pure False
, -- Check if any local builds have finished, because nix-build would not tell us.
-- If we havent done so in the last 200ms.
@ -98,29 +100,31 @@ processResult result = do
noChange = pure False
now <- getNow
case result of
Parser.Uploading path host ->
withChange $
getStorePathId path >>= uploaded host
Parser.Downloading path host ->
withChange $
getStorePathId path
>>= downloaded host
>>= maybeToList
.> finishBuilds host
Parser.Uploading path host -> withChange do
pathId <- getStorePathId path
uploaded host pathId
Parser.Downloading path host -> withChange do
pathId <- getStorePathId path
finishedRemoteBuild <- downloaded host pathId
whenJust finishedRemoteBuild \build -> finishBuilds host [build]
PlanCopies _ -> noChange
Build drv host -> withChange do
lookupDerivation drv >>= flip (building host) now
drvId <- lookupDerivation drv
building host drvId now
PlanBuilds plannedBuilds _lastBuild -> withChange do
mapM lookupDerivation (toList plannedBuilds) >>= fromList .> planBuilds
PlanDownloads _download _unpacked plannedDownloads ->
withChange $
mapM getStorePathId (toList plannedDownloads) >>= fromList .> planDownloads
Checking drv ->
withChange $
lookupDerivation drv >>= flip (building Localhost) now
Parser.Failed drv code ->
withChange $
lookupDerivation drv >>= flip (failedBuild now) code
plannedDrvIds <- forM (toList plannedBuilds) \drv ->
lookupDerivation drv
planBuilds (fromList plannedDrvIds)
PlanDownloads _download _unpacked plannedDownloads -> withChange do
plannedDownloadIds <- forM (toList plannedDownloads) \path ->
getStorePathId path
planDownloads (fromList plannedDownloadIds)
Checking drv -> withChange do
drvId <- lookupDerivation drv
building Localhost drvId now
Parser.Failed drv code -> withChange do
drvId <- lookupDerivation drv
failedBuild now drvId code
movingAverage :: Double
movingAverage = 0.5
@ -164,8 +168,8 @@ lookupDerivation :: MonadReadDerivation m => Derivation -> NOMStateT m Derivatio
lookupDerivation drv = do
drvId <- getDerivationId drv
isCached <- gets (derivationInfos .> CMap.lookup drvId .> maybe False cached)
unless isCached $
either reportError pure =<< runExceptT do
unless isCached do
potentialError <- runExceptT do
parsedDerivation <- getDerivation drv >>= liftEither
outputs <-
Nix.outputs parsedDerivation |> Map.traverseMaybeWithKey \_ path -> do
@ -194,6 +198,7 @@ lookupDerivation drv = do
modify (field @"derivationInfos" %~ CMap.adjust (\i -> i{outputs, inputSources, inputDerivations, cached = True}) drvId)
noParents <- getDerivationInfos drvId <|>> derivationParents .> CSet.null
when noParents $ modify (field @"forestRoots" %~ (drvId Seq.<|))
whenLeft_ potentialError \error' -> reportError error'
pure drvId
parseStorePath :: FilePath -> Maybe StorePath
@ -203,10 +208,12 @@ parseDerivation :: FilePath -> Maybe Derivation
parseDerivation = hush . parseOnly (Parser.derivation <* endOfInput) . fromString
planBuilds :: Set DerivationId -> NOMState ()
planBuilds = mapM_ \drv -> updateDerivationState drv (const Planned)
planBuilds drvIds = forM_ drvIds \drvId ->
updateDerivationState drvId (const Planned)
planDownloads :: Set StorePathId -> NOMState ()
planDownloads = mapM_ (`insertStorePathState` DownloadPlanned)
planDownloads pathIds = forM_ pathIds \pathId ->
insertStorePathState pathId DownloadPlanned
downloaded :: Host -> StorePathId -> NOMState (Maybe (DerivationId, RunningBuildInfo))
downloaded host pathId = do
@ -217,7 +224,7 @@ downloaded host pathId = do
MaybeT (pure (preview (typed @BuildStatus % _As @"Building") drvInfos <|>> (drvId,)))
uploaded :: Host -> StorePathId -> NOMState ()
uploaded host = flip insertStorePathState (Uploaded host)
uploaded host pathId = insertStorePathState pathId (Uploaded host)
building :: Host -> DerivationId -> UTCTime -> NOMState ()
building host drv now = do
@ -244,6 +251,7 @@ updateDerivationState drvId updateStatus = do
updateParents :: (DependencySummary -> DependencySummary) -> DerivationSet -> NOMState ()
updateParents update_func = go mempty
go :: DerivationSet -> DerivationSet -> NOMState ()
go updated_parents parentsToUpdate = case CSet.maxView parentsToUpdate of
Nothing -> modify (field @"touchedIds" %~ CSet.union updated_parents)
Just (parentToUpdate, restToUpdate) -> do

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Main where
import Relude
import qualified Data.String as String
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import qualified System.Environment
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Test.HUnit (
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ label withNix name = name <> if withNix then " with nix" else " with log from fi
main :: IO ()
main = do
withNix <- isNothing <$> lookupEnv "TESTS_FROM_FILE"
withNix <- isNothing <$> System.Environment.lookupEnv "TESTS_FROM_FILE"
counts <- runTestTT $
test $ do
test' <- tests
@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ golden1 = testBuild "golden1" $ \output endState@MkNOMV1State{fullSummary = MkDe
let outputDerivations :: [DerivationId]
outputDerivations =
flip evalState endState $
forMaybeM outputStorePaths $
getStorePathId >=> out2drv
forMaybeM outputStorePaths \path -> do
pathId <- getStorePathId path
out2drv pathId
assertEqual "Derivations for all outputs have been found" noOfBuilds (length outputDerivations)
assertBool "All found derivations have successfully been built" (CSet.isSubsetOf (CSet.fromFoldable outputDerivations) (CMap.keysSet completedBuilds))