Improve test output

This commit is contained in:
maralorn 2023-11-23 00:04:47 +01:00
parent 90fd896e82
commit 7ec4badb4c
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -72,32 +72,27 @@ main = do
else test' <$> [MkTestConfig{withNix = with_nix, ..} | oldStyle <- allBools]
if Test.HUnit.errors counts + failures counts == 0 then exitSuccess else exitFailure
data TestConfig = MkTestConfig
{ withNix :: Bool
, oldStyle :: Bool
data TestConfig = MkTestConfig {withNix :: Bool, oldStyle :: Bool}
testBuild :: String -> TestConfig -> (Text -> NOMV1State -> IO ()) -> Test
testBuild name config asserts =
label config name ~: do
suffix = if config.oldStyle then "" else ".json"
callNix = do
seed <- randomIO @Int
command =
if config.oldStyle
["test/golden/" <> name <> "/default.nix", "--no-out-link", "--argstr", "seed", show seed]
["build", "-f", "test/golden/" <> name <> "/default.nix", "--no-link", "--argstr", "seed", show seed, "-v", "--log-format", "internal-json"]
Process.readProcess command
<&> (\(_, stdout', stderr') -> (decodeUtf8 stdout', toStrict stderr'))
readFiles = (,) . decodeUtf8 <$> readFileBS ("test/golden/" <> name <> "/stdout" <> suffix) <*> readFileBS ("test/golden/" <> name <> "/stderr" <> suffix)
let suffix = if config.oldStyle then "" else ".json"
callNix = do
seed <- randomIO @Int
let command =
if config.oldStyle
["test/golden/" <> name <> "/default.nix", "--no-out-link", "--argstr", "seed", show seed]
["build", "-f", "test/golden/" <> name <> "/default.nix", "--no-link", "--argstr", "seed", show seed, "-v", "--log-format", "internal-json"]
Process.readProcess command
<&> (\(_, stdout', stderr') -> (decodeUtf8 stdout', toStrict stderr'))
readFiles = (,) . decodeUtf8 <$> readFileBS ("test/golden/" <> name <> "/stdout" <> suffix) <*> readFileBS ("test/golden/" <> name <> "/stderr" <> suffix)
(output, errors) <- if config.withNix then callNix else readFiles
end_state <- if config.oldStyle then testProcess @OldStyleInput (Stream.fromPure errors) else testProcess @NixJSONMessage (Stream.fromList (ByteString.lines errors))
asserts output end_state
@ -132,17 +127,15 @@ goldenStandard config = testBuild "standard" config \nix_output endState@MkNOMV1
let outputStorePaths = mapMaybe parseStorePath (Text.lines nix_output)
assertEqual "All output paths parsed" noOfBuilds (length outputStorePaths)
let outputDerivations :: [DerivationId]
outputDerivations =
flip evalState endState
$ forMaybeM outputStorePaths \path -> do
pathId <- getStorePathId path
outPathToDerivation pathId
outputDerivations = flip evalState endState $ forMaybeM outputStorePaths \path -> do
pathId <- getStorePathId path
outPathToDerivation pathId
assertEqual "Derivations for all outputs have been found" noOfBuilds (length outputDerivations)
assertBool "All found derivations have successfully been built" (CSet.isSubsetOf (CSet.fromFoldable outputDerivations) (CMap.keysSet completedBuilds))
goldenFail :: TestConfig -> Test
goldenFail config = testBuild "fail" config \_ MkNOMV1State{fullSummary = MkDependencySummary{..}} -> do
assertEqual "One waiting build" 1 (CSet.size plannedBuilds)
assertEqual "One failed build" 1 (CMap.size failedBuilds)
assertEqual "One unfinished build" 1 (CMap.size runningBuilds)
assertEqual "No completed builds" 0 (CMap.size completedBuilds)
goldenFail config = testBuild "fail" config \_ MkNOMV1State{fullSummary = d@MkDependencySummary{..}} -> do
assertEqual ("There should be one waiting build in " <> show d) 1 (CSet.size plannedBuilds)
assertEqual ("There should be one failed build in " <> show d) 1 (CMap.size failedBuilds)
assertEqual ("There should be no completed builds in " <> show d) 0 (CMap.size completedBuilds)
assertEqual ("There should be one unfinished build " <> show d) 1 (CMap.size runningBuilds)