
This commit is contained in:
maralorn 2022-11-21 00:19:58 +01:00
parent eab81666d8
commit 611161fa47
28 changed files with 708 additions and 670 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Control.Exception qualified as Exception
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (WriterT (runWriterT))
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import Data.Hermes qualified as JSON
import Data.Strict qualified as Strict
import Data.Text.IO (hPutStrLn)
import Data.Time (ZonedTime)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
@ -22,77 +23,77 @@ import NOM.State (NOMV1State (..), ProgressState (..), failedBuilds, fullSummary
import NOM.State.CacheId.Map qualified as CMap
import NOM.Update (detectLocalFinishedBuilds, maintainState, updateStateNixJSONMessage, updateStateNixOldStyleMessage)
import NOM.Update.Monad (UpdateMonad)
import Optics (Lens', gfield, (%), (%~), (.~), (^.), _2)
import Optics (Lens', gfield, (%), (%~), (.~), (^.))
import Optics qualified
import Paths_nix_output_monitor (version)
import Relude
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Units (AbsTime)
import System.Console.ANSI qualified as Terminal
import System.Console.Terminal.Size (Window)
import System.Environment qualified as Environment
import System.IO.Error qualified as IOError
import System.Process.Typed qualified as Process
import Type.Strict qualified as StrictType
outputHandle Handle
outputHandle :: Handle
outputHandle = stderr
defaultConfig Config
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig =
{ piping = False
, silent = False
main IO Void
main :: IO Void
main = do
args Environment.getArgs
prog_name Environment.getProgName
args <- Environment.getArgs
prog_name <- Environment.getProgName
case (args, prog_name) of
(["--version"], _) do
(["--version"], _) -> do
hPutStrLn stderr ("nix-output-monitor " <> fromString (showVersion version))
exitWith =<< Process.runProcess (Process.proc "nix" ["--version"])
(nix_args, "nom-build") do
(nix_args, "nom-build") -> do
exitWith =<< runMonitoredCommand defaultConfig (Process.proc "nix-build" ("-v" : "--log-format" : "internal-json" : nix_args))
(nix_args, "nom-shell") do
(nix_args, "nom-shell") -> do
exitOnFailure =<< runMonitoredCommand defaultConfig{silent = True} (Process.proc "nix-shell" (("-v" : "--log-format" : "internal-json" : nix_args) <> ["--run", "exit"]))
exitWith =<< Process.runProcess (Process.proc "nix-shell" nix_args)
("build" : nix_args, _) do
("build" : nix_args, _) -> do
exitWith =<< runMonitoredCommand defaultConfig (Process.proc "nix" ("build" : "-v" : "--log-format" : "internal-json" : nix_args))
("shell" : nix_args, _) do
("shell" : nix_args, _) -> do
exitOnFailure =<< runMonitoredCommand defaultConfig{silent = True} (Process.proc "nix" (("shell" : "-v" : "--log-format" : "internal-json" : nix_args) <> ["--command", "sh", "-c", "exit"]))
exitWith =<< Process.runProcess (Process.proc "nix" ("shell" : nix_args))
("develop" : nix_args, _) do
("develop" : nix_args, _) -> do
exitOnFailure =<< runMonitoredCommand defaultConfig{silent = True} (Process.proc "nix" (("develop" : "-v" : "--log-format" : "internal-json" : nix_args) <> ["--command", "sh", "-c", "exit"]))
exitWith =<< Process.runProcess (Process.proc "nix" ("develop" : nix_args))
([], _) do
finalState monitorHandle (Proxy @(Maybe NixOldStyleMessage, ByteString)) defaultConfig{piping = True} stdin
([], _) -> do
finalState <- monitorHandle (Proxy @(Maybe NixOldStyleMessage, ByteString)) defaultConfig{piping = True} stdin
if CMap.size finalState.fullSummary.failedBuilds + length finalState.nixErrors == 0
then exitSuccess
else exitFailure
(["--json"], _) do
finalState monitorHandle (Proxy @(Either NOMError NixJSONMessage)) defaultConfig{piping = True} stdin
(["--json"], _) -> do
finalState <- monitorHandle (Proxy @(Either NOMError NixJSONMessage)) defaultConfig{piping = True} stdin
if CMap.size finalState.fullSummary.failedBuilds + length finalState.nixErrors == 0
then exitSuccess
else exitFailure
xs do
xs -> do
hPutStrLn stderr helpText
-- It's not a mistake if the user requests the help text, otherwise tell
-- them off with a non-zero exit code.
if any (liftA2 (||) (== "-h") (== "--help")) xs then exitSuccess else exitFailure
exitOnFailure Process.ExitCode IO ()
exitOnFailure :: Process.ExitCode -> IO ()
exitOnFailure = \case
code@Process.ExitFailure{} exitWith code
_ pass
code@Process.ExitFailure{} -> exitWith code
_ -> pass
printIOException IOError.IOError IO ()
printIOException :: IOError.IOError -> IO ()
printIOException io_exception = do
let error_msg = case (IOError.isDoesNotExistError io_exception, IOError.ioeGetFileName io_exception) of
(True, Just cmd) "Command '" <> toText cmd <> "' not available from $PATH."
_ show io_exception
(True, Just cmd) -> "Command '" <> toText cmd <> "' not available from $PATH."
_ -> show io_exception
hPutStrLn stderr $ markup red ("nix-output-monitor: " <> error_msg)
runMonitoredCommand Config Process.ProcessConfig () () () IO Process.ExitCode
runMonitoredCommand :: Config -> Process.ProcessConfig () () () -> IO Process.ExitCode
runMonitoredCommand config process_config = do
let process_config_with_handles =
Process.setStdout Process.createPipe $
@ -100,34 +101,34 @@ runMonitoredCommand config process_config = do
Exception.handle ((ExitFailure 1 <$) . printIOException) $
Process.withProcessWait process_config_with_handles \process do
Process.withProcessWait process_config_with_handles \process -> do
void $ monitorHandle (Proxy @(Either NOMError NixJSONMessage)) config (Process.getStderr process)
exitCode Process.waitExitCode process
output ByteString.hGetContents (Process.getStdout process)
exitCode <- Process.waitExitCode process
output <- ByteString.hGetContents (Process.getStdout process)
unless (ByteString.null output) $ ByteString.hPut stdout output
pure exitCode
data UpdateResult a = MkUpdateResult
{ errors [NOMError]
, output ByteString
, newStateToPrint Maybe NOMV1State
, newState UpdaterState a
{ errors :: [NOMError]
, output :: ByteString
, newStateToPrint :: Maybe NOMV1State
, newState :: UpdaterState a
deriving stock (Generic)
data ProcessState a = MkProcessState
{ updaterState UpdaterState a
, printFunction Maybe (Window Int) (ZonedTime, AbsTime) Text
{ updaterState :: UpdaterState a
, printFunction :: Maybe (Window Int) -> (ZonedTime, Double) -> Text
deriving stock (Generic)
class NOMInput a where
type UpdaterState a
firstState NOMV1State UpdaterState a
updateState UpdateMonad m a UpdaterState a m (UpdateResult a)
nomState Lens' (UpdaterState a) NOMV1State
inputStream Handle Stream (Either NOMError ByteString)
withParser (StreamParser a IO t) IO t
firstState :: NOMV1State -> UpdaterState a
updateState :: (StrictType.Strict (UpdaterState a), UpdateMonad m) => a -> UpdaterState a -> m (UpdateResult a)
nomState :: Lens' (UpdaterState a) NOMV1State
inputStream :: Handle -> Stream (Either NOMError ByteString)
withParser :: (StreamParser a -> IO t) -> IO t
instance NOMInput (Either NOMError NixJSONMessage) where
withParser body = JSON.withHermesEnv (body . parseStreamSimple . parseJSON)
@ -146,32 +147,38 @@ instance NOMInput (Either NOMError NixJSONMessage) where
, newState = fromMaybe old_state new_state
data OldStyleState = MkOldStyleState
{ state :: NOMV1State
, lastRead :: Strict.Maybe Double
deriving stock (Generic)
instance NOMInput (Maybe NixOldStyleMessage, ByteString) where
withParser body = body (parseStreamAttoparsec parser)
type UpdaterState (Maybe NixOldStyleMessage, ByteString) = (Maybe AbsTime, NOMV1State)
type UpdaterState (Maybe NixOldStyleMessage, ByteString) = OldStyleState
inputStream = readTextChunks
nomState = _2
firstState = (Nothing,)
nomState = gfield @"state"
firstState state' = MkOldStyleState{state = state', lastRead = Strict.Nothing}
{-# INLINE updateState #-}
updateState input old_state = mkUpdateResult <$> updateStateNixOldStyleMessage input old_state
updateState input old_state = mkUpdateResult <$> updateStateNixOldStyleMessage input (Strict.toLazy old_state.lastRead, old_state.state)
mkUpdateResult ((errors, output), (new_timestamp, new_state)) =
{ errors
, output
, newStateToPrint = new_state
, newState = (new_timestamp, fromMaybe (snd old_state) new_state)
, newState = MkOldStyleState (fromMaybe (old_state.state) new_state) (Strict.toStrict new_timestamp)
monitorHandle a. NOMInput a Proxy a Config Handle IO NOMV1State
monitorHandle _ config input_handle = withParser @a \streamParser do
monitorHandle :: forall a. (StrictType.Strict (UpdaterState a), NOMInput a) => Proxy a -> Config -> Handle -> IO NOMV1State
monitorHandle _ config input_handle = withParser @a \streamParser -> do
finalState <-
Terminal.hHideCursor outputHandle
hSetBuffering stdout (BlockBuffering (Just 1_000_000))
current_system Exception.handle ((Nothing <$) . printIOException) $ Just . decodeUtf8 <$> Process.readProcessStdout_ (Process.proc "nix" ["eval", "--extra-experimental-features", "nix-command", "--impure", "--raw", "--expr", "builtins.currentSystem"])
first_state initalStateFromBuildPlatform current_system
current_system <- Exception.handle ((Nothing <$) . printIOException) $ Just . decodeUtf8 <$> Process.readProcessStdout_ (Process.proc "nix" ["eval", "--extra-experimental-features", "nix-command", "--impure", "--raw", "--expr", "builtins.currentSystem"])
first_state <- initalStateFromBuildPlatform current_system
let first_process_state = MkProcessState (firstState @a first_state) (stateToText config first_state)
interact config streamParser (processStateUpdater @a config) (gfield @"updaterState" % nomState @a %~ maintainState) (.printFunction) (finalizer config) (inputStream @a input_handle) outputHandle first_process_state
`Exception.finally` do
@ -180,15 +187,15 @@ monitorHandle _ config input_handle = withParser @a \streamParser → do
pure (finalState.updaterState ^. nomState @a)
{-# INLINE processStateUpdater #-}
a m.
(NOMInput a, UpdateMonad m)
processStateUpdater ::
forall a m.
(NOMInput a, UpdateMonad m, StrictType.Strict (UpdaterState a)) =>
Config ->
a ->
StateT (ProcessState a) m ([NOMError], ByteString)
processStateUpdater config input = do
old_state get
updater_result updateState input (old_state.updaterState)
old_state <- get
updater_result <- updateState input (old_state.updaterState)
{ updaterState = updater_result.newState
@ -196,21 +203,21 @@ processStateUpdater config input = do
pure (updater_result.errors, updater_result.output)
a m.
(NOMInput a, UpdateMonad m)
finalizer ::
forall a m.
(NOMInput a, UpdateMonad m) =>
Config ->
StateT (ProcessState a) m ()
finalizer config = do
old_state get
newState (gfield @"progressState" .~ Finished) <$> execStateT (runWriterT detectLocalFinishedBuilds) (old_state.updaterState ^. nomState @a)
old_state <- get
newState <- (gfield @"progressState" .~ Finished) <$> execStateT (runWriterT detectLocalFinishedBuilds) (old_state.updaterState ^. nomState @a)
{ updaterState = nomState @a .~ newState $ old_state.updaterState
, printFunction = stateToText config newState
helpText Text
helpText :: Text
helpText =
[ "nix-output-monitor usages:"

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
indentation: 2
unicode: always
unicode: never
respectful: false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module Data.Sequence.Strict (
Seq ((Seq.:<|)),
) where
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Relude
(<|) :: a -> Seq a -> Seq a
!item <| rest = item Seq.<| rest
fromList :: [a] -> Seq.Seq a
fromList = foldr (<|) mempty

View file

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
module NOM.Builds (parseHost, Derivation (..), StorePath (..), Host (..), FailType (..), parseStorePath, parseDerivation, storePathByteStringParser, derivationByteStringParser, parseIndentedStoreObject) where
import Relude
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString qualified as Parser
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 qualified as Parser.Char
import Data.Attoparsec.Text qualified as TextParser
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Relude
data StorePath = StorePath
{ hash :: Text
@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ instance ToText StorePath where
instance ToString StorePath where
toString = toString . toText
data Host = Localhost | Host !Text
data Host = Localhost | Host Text
deriving stock (Ord, Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToText Host where

View file

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
module NOM.Error (NOMError (..)) where
import Relude
import Control.Exception (IOException)
import Relude
data NOMError
= InputError IOException

View file

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import NOM.Print.Table as Table (bold, displayWidth, displayWidthBS, markup, red
import NOM.Update.Monad (UpdateMonad, getNow)
import Relude
import Streamly.Data.Fold qualified as Fold
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Units (AbsTime)
import Streamly.Prelude ((.:), (|&), (|&.))
import Streamly.Prelude qualified as Stream
import System.Console.ANSI (SGR (Reset), setSGRCode)
@ -25,68 +24,68 @@ import System.IO qualified
type Stream = Stream.SerialT IO
type StreamParser update = Stream ByteString Stream update
type StreamParser update = Stream ByteString -> Stream update
type Output = Text
type UpdateFunc update state = m. UpdateMonad m update StateT state m ([NOMError], ByteString)
type UpdateFunc update state = forall m. UpdateMonad m => update -> StateT state m ([NOMError], ByteString)
type OutputFunc state = state Maybe Window (ZonedTime, AbsTime) Output
type OutputFunc state = state -> Maybe Window -> (ZonedTime, Double) -> Output
type Finalizer state = m. UpdateMonad m StateT state m ()
type Finalizer state = forall m. UpdateMonad m => StateT state m ()
type Window = Terminal.Size.Window Int
readTextChunks Handle Stream (Either NOMError ByteString)
readTextChunks :: Handle -> Stream (Either NOMError ByteString)
readTextChunks handle = loop
-- We read up-to 4kb of input at once. We will rarely need more than that for one successful parse (i.e. a line).
-- I dont know much about computers, but 4k seems like something which would be cached efficiently.
bufferSize Int
bufferSize :: Int
bufferSize = 4096
tryRead Stream (Either IOException ByteString)
tryRead :: Stream (Either IOException ByteString)
tryRead = liftIO $ try $ ByteString.hGetSome handle bufferSize
loop Stream (Either NOMError ByteString)
loop :: Stream (Either NOMError ByteString)
loop =
tryRead >>= \case
Left err Left (InputError err) .: loop -- Forward Exceptions, when we encounter them
Right "" mempty -- EOF
Right input Right input .: loop
Left err -> Left (InputError err) .: loop -- Forward Exceptions, when we encounter them
Right "" -> mempty -- EOF
Right input -> Right input .: loop
update state.
TVar ByteString
TVar state
UpdateFunc update state
runUpdate ::
forall update state.
TVar ByteString ->
TVar state ->
UpdateFunc update state ->
update ->
IO ByteString
runUpdate bufferVar stateVar updater input = do
oldState readTVarIO stateVar
((!errors, !output), !newState) runStateT (updater input) oldState
oldState <- readTVarIO stateVar
((!errors, !output), !newState) <- runStateT (updater input) oldState
atomically $ do
forM_ errors (\error' modifyTVar bufferVar (appendError error'))
forM_ errors (\error' -> modifyTVar bufferVar (appendError error'))
writeTVar stateVar newState
pure output
writeStateToScreen state. Bool TVar Int TVar state TVar ByteString (state state) OutputFunc state Handle IO ()
writeStateToScreen :: forall state. Bool -> TVar Int -> TVar state -> TVar ByteString -> (state -> state) -> OutputFunc state -> Handle -> IO ()
writeStateToScreen pad printed_lines_var nom_state_var nix_output_buffer_var maintenance printer output_handle = do
nowClock getZonedTime
now getNow
nowClock <- getZonedTime
now <- getNow
terminalSize <-
Terminal.Size.hSize output_handle <&> \case
-- We throw away non positive window sizes, which some terminals apparently report
-- to avoid divisions by zero later on.
val@(Just window) | window.width > 0, window.height > 0 val
_ Nothing
val@(Just window) | window.width > 0, window.height > 0 -> val
_ -> Nothing
(nom_state, nix_output_raw) atomically do
(nom_state, nix_output_raw) <- atomically do
-- ==== Time Critical Segment - calculating to much in atomically can lead
-- to recalculations. In this section we are racing with the input parsing
-- thread to update the state.
modifyTVar nom_state_var maintenance
-- we bind those lazily to not calculate them during STM
~nom_state readTVar nom_state_var
~nix_output_raw swapTVar nix_output_buffer_var mempty
~nom_state <- readTVar nom_state_var
~nix_output_raw <- swapTVar nix_output_buffer_var mempty
pure (nom_state, nix_output_raw)
-- ====
@ -105,18 +104,18 @@ writeStateToScreen pad printed_lines_var nom_state_var nix_output_buffer_var mai
-- might be slightly to high in corner cases but that will only trigger
-- sligthly more redraws which is totally acceptable.
reflow_line_count_correction =
terminalSize <&> \size
terminalSize <&> \size ->
-- This division is fine, because we dont accept non positiv window sizes.
getSum $ foldMap (\line Sum (displayWidthBS line `div` size.width)) nix_output
getSum $ foldMap (\line -> Sum (displayWidthBS line `div` size.width)) nix_output
(last_printed_line_count, lines_to_pad) atomically do
last_printed_line_count readTVar printed_lines_var
(last_printed_line_count, lines_to_pad) <- atomically do
last_printed_line_count <- readTVar printed_lines_var
-- When the nom output suddenly gets smaller, it might jump up from the bottom of the screen.
-- To prevent this we insert a few newlines before it.
-- We only do this if we know the size of the terminal.
let lines_to_pad = case reflow_line_count_correction of
Just reflow_correction | pad max 0 (last_printed_line_count - reflow_correction - nix_output_length - nom_output_length)
_ 0
Just reflow_correction | pad -> max 0 (last_printed_line_count - reflow_correction - nix_output_length - nom_output_length)
_ -> 0
line_count_to_print = nom_output_length + lines_to_pad
writeTVar printed_lines_var line_count_to_print
pure (last_printed_line_count, lines_to_pad)
@ -145,11 +144,11 @@ writeStateToScreen pad printed_lines_var nom_state_var nix_output_buffer_var mai
-- Insert the output to write to the screen.
( output_to_print_with_newline_annotations & foldMap \(newline, line)
( output_to_print_with_newline_annotations & foldMap \(newline, line) ->
( case newline of
StayInLine mempty
MoveToNextLine Builder.stringUtf8 (Terminal.cursorDownLineCode 1)
PrintNewLine Builder.byteString "\n"
StayInLine -> mempty
MoveToNextLine -> Builder.stringUtf8 (Terminal.cursorDownLineCode 1)
PrintNewLine -> Builder.byteString "\n"
<> Builder.byteString line
@ -166,81 +165,81 @@ data ToNextLine = StayInLine | MoveToNextLine | PrintNewLine
-- Depending on the current line of the output we are printing we need to decide
-- how to move to a new line before printing.
howToGoToNextLine Int Maybe Int Int ToNextLine
howToGoToNextLine :: Int -> Maybe Int -> Int -> ToNextLine
howToGoToNextLine _ Nothing = \case
-- When we have no info about terminal size, better be careful and always print
-- newlines if necessary.
0 StayInLine
_ PrintNewLine
0 -> StayInLine
_ -> PrintNewLine
howToGoToNextLine previousPrintedLines (Just correction) = \case
-- When starting to print we are always in an empty line with the cursor at the start.
-- So we dont need to go to a new line
0 StayInLine
0 -> StayInLine
-- When the current offset is smaller than the number of previously printed lines.
-- e.g. we have printed 1 line, but before we had printed 2
-- then we can probably move the cursor a row down without needing to print a newline.
| x + correction < previousPrintedLines
| x + correction < previousPrintedLines ->
-- When we are at the bottom of the terminal we have no choice but need to
-- print a newline and thus (sadly) flush the terminal
_ PrintNewLine
_ -> PrintNewLine
update state.
StreamParser update
UpdateFunc update state
(state state)
OutputFunc state
Finalizer state
Stream (Either NOMError ByteString)
interact ::
forall update state.
Config ->
StreamParser update ->
UpdateFunc update state ->
(state -> state) ->
OutputFunc state ->
Finalizer state ->
Stream (Either NOMError ByteString) ->
Handle ->
state ->
IO state
interact config parser updater maintenance printer finalize input_stream output_handle initialState =
processTextStream config parser updater maintenance (Just (printer, output_handle)) finalize initialState input_stream
-- frame durations are passed to threadDelay and thus are given in microseconds
maxFrameDuration Int
maxFrameDuration :: Int
maxFrameDuration = 1_000_000 -- once per second to update timestamps
minFrameDuration Int
minFrameDuration :: Int
minFrameDuration =
-- this seems to be a nice compromise to reduce excessive
-- flickering, since the movement is not continuous this low frequency doesnt
-- feel to sluggish for the eye, for me.
100_000 -- 10 times per second
update state.
StreamParser update
UpdateFunc update state
(state state)
Maybe (OutputFunc state, Handle)
Finalizer state
Stream (Either NOMError ByteString)
processTextStream ::
forall update state.
Config ->
StreamParser update ->
UpdateFunc update state ->
(state -> state) ->
Maybe (OutputFunc state, Handle) ->
Finalizer state ->
state ->
Stream (Either NOMError ByteString) ->
IO state
processTextStream config parser updater maintenance printerMay finalize initialState inputStream = do
stateVar newTVarIO initialState
bufferVar newTVarIO mempty
let keepProcessing IO ()
stateVar <- newTVarIO initialState
bufferVar <- newTVarIO mempty
let keepProcessing :: IO ()
keepProcessing =
|& Stream.tap (writeErrorsToBuffer bufferVar)
|& Stream.mapMaybe rightToMaybe
|& parser
|&. Stream.mapM_ (runUpdate bufferVar stateVar updater >=> atomically . modifyTVar bufferVar . flip (<>))
waitForInput IO ()
waitForInput :: IO ()
waitForInput = atomically $ check . not . ByteString.null =<< readTVar bufferVar
printerMay & maybe keepProcessing \(printer, output_handle) do
linesVar newTVarIO 0
let writeToScreen IO ()
printerMay & maybe keepProcessing \(printer, output_handle) -> do
linesVar <- newTVarIO 0
let writeToScreen :: IO ()
writeToScreen = writeStateToScreen (not config.silent) linesVar stateVar bufferVar maintenance printer output_handle
keepPrinting IO ()
keepPrinting :: IO ()
keepPrinting = forever do
race_ (concurrently_ (threadDelay minFrameDuration) waitForInput) (threadDelay maxFrameDuration)
@ -249,36 +248,36 @@ processTextStream config parser updater maintenance printerMay finalize initialS
(if isNothing printerMay then (>>= execStateT finalize) else id) $ readTVarIO stateVar
writeErrorsToBuffer TVar ByteString Fold.Fold IO (Either NOMError ByteString) ()
writeErrorsToBuffer :: TVar ByteString -> Fold.Fold IO (Either NOMError ByteString) ()
writeErrorsToBuffer bufferVar = Fold.drainBy saveInput
saveInput Either NOMError ByteString IO ()
saveInput :: Either NOMError ByteString -> IO ()
saveInput = \case
Left error' atomically $ modifyTVar bufferVar (appendError error')
_ pass
Left error' -> atomically $ modifyTVar bufferVar (appendError error')
_ -> pass
appendError NOMError ByteString ByteString
appendError :: NOMError -> ByteString -> ByteString
appendError err prev = (if ByteString.null prev || ByteString.isSuffixOf "\n" prev then "" else "\n") <> nomError <> show err <> "\n"
nomError ByteString
nomError :: ByteString
nomError = encodeUtf8 (markup (red . bold) "nix-output-monitor error: ")
truncateOutput Maybe Window Text Text
truncateOutput :: Maybe Window -> Text -> Text
truncateOutput win output = maybe output go win
go Window Text
go :: Window -> Text
go window = Text.intercalate "\n" $ truncateColumns window.width <$> truncateRows window.height
truncateColumns Int Text Text
truncateColumns :: Int -> Text -> Text
truncateColumns columns line = if displayWidth line > columns then Table.truncate (columns - 1) line <> "" <> toText (setSGRCode [Reset]) else line
truncateRows Int [Text]
truncateRows :: Int -> [Text]
truncateRows rows
| length outputLines >= rows - outputLinesToAlwaysShow = take 1 outputLines <> [""] <> drop (length outputLines + outputLinesToAlwaysShow + 2 - rows) outputLines
| otherwise = outputLines
outputLines [Text]
outputLines :: [Text]
outputLines = Text.lines output
outputLinesToAlwaysShow Int
outputLinesToAlwaysShow :: Int
outputLinesToAlwaysShow = 5

View file

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
module NOM.IO.ParseStream.Attoparsec (parseStreamAttoparsec, parseOneText, stripANSICodes) where
import Relude
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (IResult (..), Parser, Result, parse)
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import Data.Word8 qualified as Word8
import Relude
import Streamly.Prelude ((.:))
import Streamly.Prelude qualified as Stream
@ -22,8 +21,10 @@ parseChunk initState (strippedInput, rawInput) = join $ state \(currentParser, c
csi :: ByteString
csi = "\27["
breakOnANSIStartCode :: ByteString -> (ByteString, ByteString)
breakOnANSIStartCode = ByteString.breakSubstring csi
streamANSIChunks :: ByteString -> Stream.SerialT m (ByteString, ByteString)
streamANSIChunks input =
let (!filtered, !unfiltered) = breakOnANSIStartCode input

View file

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
module NOM.IO.ParseStream.Simple (parseStreamSimple) where
import Relude
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import Relude
import Streamly.Prelude ((.:), (|$))
import Streamly.Prelude qualified as Stream

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Relude
newtype ActivityId = MkId {value :: Int}
deriving newtype (Show, Eq, Ord)
deriving stock (Generic)
newtype StopAction = MkStopAction {id :: ActivityId}
deriving newtype (Eq)

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@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
module NOM.NixMessage.OldStyle (NixOldStyleMessage (..)) where
import NOM.Builds (Derivation (..), FailType, Host (..), StorePath (..))
import Relude
import NOM.Builds (Derivation (..), FailType, Host (..), StorePath (..))
data NixOldStyleMessage
= Uploading !StorePath !Host
| Downloading !StorePath !Host
| PlanCopies !Int
| Build Derivation !Host
| PlanBuilds (Set Derivation) !Derivation
| PlanDownloads !Double !Double (Set StorePath)
| Checking !Derivation
| Failed !Derivation !FailType
= Uploading StorePath Host
| Downloading StorePath Host
| PlanCopies Int
| Build Derivation Host
| PlanBuilds (Set Derivation) Derivation
| PlanDownloads Double Double (Set StorePath)
| Checking Derivation
| Failed Derivation FailType
deriving stock (Show, Eq)

View file

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
module NOM.Parser (parser, oldStyleParser, planBuildLine, planDownloadLine, inTicks) where
import Relude hiding (take, takeWhile)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (
@ -18,7 +16,6 @@ import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (
import NOM.Builds (
Derivation (..),
FailType (ExitCode, HashMismatch),
@ -28,6 +25,7 @@ import NOM.Builds (
import NOM.NixMessage.OldStyle (NixOldStyleMessage (..))
import Relude hiding (take, takeWhile)
parser :: Parser (Maybe NixOldStyleMessage)
parser = Just <$> oldStyleParser <|> Nothing <$ noMatch

View file

@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
module NOM.Parser.JSON.Hermes (parseJSON) where
import Relude hiding (one)
import Control.Exception (try)
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import Data.Hermes qualified as JSON
import Data.Hermes.Decoder (listOfInt)
import System.IO.Unsafe qualified as Unsafe
import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString
import NOM.Builds (parseDerivation, parseHost, parseStorePath)
import NOM.Error (NOMError (..))
import NOM.NixMessage.JSON (Activity (..), ActivityId (..), ActivityProgress (..), ActivityResult (..), ActivityType (..), MessageAction (..), NixJSONMessage (..), ResultAction (..), StartAction (..), StopAction (..), Verbosity (..))
import Relude hiding (one)
import System.IO.Unsafe qualified as Unsafe
parseJSON :: JSON.HermesEnv -> ByteString -> Either NOMError NixJSONMessage
parseJSON env input = first translate_hermes_error_to_nom_error json_parse_result
@ -74,8 +72,10 @@ parseMessageAction object = do
textFields :: JSON.Object -> JSON.Decoder [Text]
textFields = JSON.atKey "fields" (JSON.list JSON.text)
textOrNumFields :: JSON.Object -> JSON.Decoder [Either Text Int]
textOrNumFields = JSON.atKey "fields" (JSON.list \val -> (Left <$> JSON.text val) <|> (Right <$> val))
intFields :: JSON.Object -> JSON.Decoder [Int]
intFields = JSON.atKey "fields" listOfInt

View file

@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
module NOM.Print (stateToText, showCode, Config (..)) where
-- terminal-size
import Data.Foldable qualified as Unsafe
import Data.IntMap qualified as IntMap
import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty.Extra (appendr)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.MemoTrie (memo)
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Sequence.Strict qualified as Seq
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Strict qualified as Strict
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, ZonedTime, defaultTimeLocale, formatTime)
import Data.Tree (Forest, Tree (Node))
@ -18,25 +17,23 @@ import NOM.Builds (Derivation (..), FailType (..), Host (..), StorePath (..))
import NOM.NixMessage.JSON (ActivityId (..))
import NOM.Print.Table (Entry, blue, bold, cells, dummy, green, grey, header, label, magenta, markup, markups, prependLines, printAlignedSep, red, text, yellow)
import NOM.Print.Tree (showForest)
import NOM.State (BuildInfo (..), BuildStatus (..), DependencySummary (..), DerivationId, DerivationInfo (..), DerivationSet, NOMState, NOMV1State (..), ProgressState (..), StorePathId, StorePathInfo (..), StorePathMap, StorePathSet, TransferInfo (..), getDerivationInfos, getStorePathInfos, inputStorePaths)
import NOM.State (ActivityStatus (..), BuildFail (..), BuildInfo (..), BuildStatus (..), DependencySummary (..), DerivationId, DerivationInfo (..), DerivationSet, InputDerivation (..), NOMState, NOMV1State (..), ProgressState (..), StorePathId, StorePathInfo (..), StorePathMap, StorePathSet, TransferInfo (..), getDerivationInfos, getStorePathInfos, inputStorePaths)
import NOM.State.CacheId.Map qualified as CMap
import NOM.State.CacheId.Set qualified as CSet
import NOM.State.Sorting (SortKey, sortKey, summaryIncludingRoot)
import NOM.State.Tree (mapRootsTwigsAndLeafs)
import NOM.Update (appendDifferingPlatform)
import NOM.Util (diffTime, relTimeToSeconds)
import Optics (itoList, view, _2)
import Relude
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Units (AbsTime, diffAbsTime)
import System.Console.ANSI (SGR (Reset), setSGRCode)
import System.Console.Terminal.Size (Window)
import System.Console.Terminal.Size qualified as Window
import Text.Printf (printf)
showCode Text [String]
showCode :: Text -> [String]
showCode = map (printf "%02X" . fromEnum) . toString
textRep, vertical, lowerleft, upperleft, horizontal, down, up, clock, running, done, bigsum, warning, todo, leftT, average Text
textRep, vertical, lowerleft, upperleft, horizontal, down, up, clock, running, done, bigsum, warning, todo, leftT, average :: Text
textRep = fromString [toEnum 0xFE0E]
vertical = ""
lowerleft = ""
@ -71,34 +68,34 @@ average = "∅" <> textRep
-- ["2211","FE0E"]
bigsum = "" <> textRep
showCond Monoid m Bool m m
showCond :: Monoid m => Bool -> m -> m
showCond = memptyIfFalse
targetRatio, defaultTreeMax Int
targetRatio, defaultTreeMax :: Int
targetRatio = 3 -- We divide by this, dont set this to zero.
defaultTreeMax = 20
data Config = MkConfig
{ silent Bool
, piping Bool
{ silent :: Bool
, piping :: Bool
stateToText Config NOMV1State Maybe (Window Int) (ZonedTime, AbsTime) Text
stateToText :: Config -> NOMV1State -> Maybe (Window Int) -> (ZonedTime, Double) -> Text
stateToText config buildState@MkNOMV1State{..} = memo printWithSize . fmap Window.height
printWithSize Maybe Int (ZonedTime, AbsTime) Text
printWithSize :: Maybe Int -> (ZonedTime, Double) -> Text
printWithSize maybeWindow = printWithTime
printWithTime (ZonedTime, AbsTime) Text
printWithTime :: (ZonedTime, Double) -> Text
| progressState == JustStarted && config.piping = \nows@(_, now) time nows <> showCond (diffTime now startTime > 15) (markup grey " nom hasnt detected any input. Have you redirected nix-build stderr into nom? (See -h and the README for details.)")
| progressState == JustStarted && config.piping = \nows@(_, now) -> time nows <> showCond (now - startTime > 15) (markup grey " nom hasnt detected any input. Have you redirected nix-build stderr into nom? (See -h and the README for details.)")
| progressState == Finished && config.silent = const ""
| showBuildGraph = \nows@(_, now) buildsDisplay now <> table (time nows)
| showBuildGraph = \nows@(_, now) -> buildsDisplay now <> table (time nows)
| not anythingGoingOn = if config.silent then const "" else time
| otherwise = table . time
maxHeight = case maybeWindow of
Just limit limit `div` targetRatio -- targetRatio is hardcoded to be bigger than zero.
Nothing defaultTreeMax
Just limit -> limit `div` targetRatio -- targetRatio is hardcoded to be bigger than zero.
Nothing -> defaultTreeMax
buildsDisplay now =
(toText (setSGRCode [Reset]) <> upperleft <> horizontal)
@ -108,8 +105,8 @@ stateToText config buildState@MkNOMV1State{..} = memo printWithSize . fmap Windo
<> "\n"
runTime now = timeDiff now startTime
| progressState == Finished = \(nowClock, now) finishMarkup (" at " <> toText (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S" nowClock) <> " after " <> runTime now)
| otherwise = \(_, now) clock <> " " <> runTime now
| progressState == Finished = \(nowClock, now) -> finishMarkup (" at " <> toText (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S" nowClock) <> " after " <> runTime now)
| otherwise = \(_, now) -> clock <> " " <> runTime now
MkDependencySummary{..} = fullSummary
runningBuilds' = (.host) <$> runningBuilds
completedBuilds' = (.host) <$> completedBuilds
@ -119,18 +116,18 @@ stateToText config buildState@MkNOMV1State{..} = memo printWithSize . fmap Windo
showBuildGraph = not (Seq.null forestRoots)
table time' =
((if showBuildGraph then leftT else upperleft) <> stimes (3 Int) horizontal <> " ")
((if showBuildGraph then leftT else upperleft) <> stimes (3 :: Int) horizontal <> " ")
(vertical <> " ")
(lowerleft <> horizontal <> " " <> bigsum <> " ")
$ printAlignedSep (innerTable `appendr` one (lastRow time'))
innerTable [NonEmpty Entry]
innerTable :: [NonEmpty Entry]
innerTable = fromMaybe (one (text "")) (nonEmpty headers) : showCond showHosts printHosts
headers =
(cells 3 <$> optHeader showBuilds "Builds")
<> (cells 3 <$> optHeader showDownloads "Downloads")
<> (cells 2 <$> optHeader showUploads "Uploads")
<> optHeader showHosts "Host"
optHeader cond = showCond cond . one . bold . header Text [Entry]
optHeader cond = showCond cond . one . bold . header :: Text -> [Entry]
partial_last_row =
@ -172,11 +169,11 @@ stateToText config buildState@MkNOMV1State{..} = memo printWithSize . fmap Windo
| numFailedBuilds > 0 = markup red . ((warning <> " Exited after " <> show numFailedBuilds <> " build failures") <>)
| not (null nixErrors) = markup red . ((warning <> " Exited with " <> show (length nixErrors) <> " errors reported by nix") <>)
| otherwise = markup green . ("Finished" <>)
printHosts [NonEmpty Entry]
printHosts :: [NonEmpty Entry]
printHosts =
mapMaybe (nonEmpty . labelForHost) hostNums
labelForHost (Host, Int) [Entry]
labelForHost :: (Host, Int) -> [Entry]
labelForHost (host, index) =
@ -203,28 +200,28 @@ stateToText config buildState@MkNOMV1State{..} = memo printWithSize . fmap Windo
downloadsRunning' = action_count_for_host host runningDownloads
numRunningBuildsOnHost = action_count_for_host host runningBuilds
doneBuilds = action_count_for_host host completedBuilds
action_count_for_host HasField "host" a Host Host CMap.CacheIdMap b a Int
action_count_for_host host = CMap.size . CMap.filter (\x host ==
action_count_for_host :: HasField "host" a Host => Host -> CMap.CacheIdMap b a -> Int
action_count_for_host host = CMap.size . CMap.filter (\x -> host ==
nonZeroShowBold Text Int Entry
nonZeroShowBold :: Text -> Int -> Entry
nonZeroShowBold label' num = if num > 0 then label label' $ text (markup bold (show num)) else dummy
nonZeroBold Text Int Entry
nonZeroBold :: Text -> Int -> Entry
nonZeroBold label' num = label label' $ text (markup (if num > 0 then bold else id) (show num))
data TreeLocation = Root | Twig | Leaf deriving stock (Eq)
[(Host, Int)]
printBuilds ::
NOMV1State ->
[(Host, Int)] ->
Int ->
Double ->
NonEmpty Text
printBuilds nomState@MkNOMV1State{..} hostNums maxHeight = printBuildsWithTime
hostLabel Bool Host Text
hostLabel :: Bool -> Host -> Text
hostLabel color host = (if color then markup magenta else id) $ maybe (toText host) (("[" <>) . (<> "]") . show) (List.lookup host hostNums)
printBuildsWithTime AbsTime NonEmpty Text
printBuildsWithTime :: Double -> NonEmpty Text
printBuildsWithTime now = (graphHeader :|) $ showForest $ fmap (fmap ($ now)) preparedPrintForest
num_raw_roots = length forestRoots
num_roots = length preparedPrintForest
@ -234,48 +231,48 @@ printBuilds nomState@MkNOMV1State{..} hostNums maxHeight = printBuildsWithTime
| num_raw_roots <= 1 = graphTitle
| num_raw_roots == num_roots = unwords [graphTitle, "with", show num_roots, "roots"]
| otherwise = unwords [graphTitle, "showing", show num_roots, "of", show num_raw_roots, "roots"]
preparedPrintForest Forest (AbsTime Text)
preparedPrintForest :: Forest (Double -> Text)
preparedPrintForest = mapRootsTwigsAndLeafs (printTreeNode Root) (printTreeNode Twig) (printTreeNode Leaf) <$> buildForest
printTreeNode TreeLocation DerivationInfo AbsTime Text
printTreeNode :: TreeLocation -> DerivationInfo -> Double -> Text
printTreeNode location drvInfo =
let ~summary = showSummary drvInfo.dependencySummary
(planned, display_drv) = printDerivation drvInfo (get' (inputStorePaths drvInfo))
displayed_summary = showCond (location == Leaf && planned && not (Text.null summary)) (markup grey " waiting for " <> summary)
in \now display_drv now <> displayed_summary
in \now -> display_drv now <> displayed_summary
buildForest Forest DerivationInfo
buildForest :: Forest DerivationInfo
buildForest = evalState (goBuildForest forestRoots) mempty
goBuildForest Seq DerivationId State DerivationSet (Forest DerivationInfo)
goBuildForest :: Seq DerivationId -> State DerivationSet (Forest DerivationInfo)
goBuildForest = \case
(thisDrv Seq.:<| restDrvs) do
seen_ids get
(thisDrv Seq.:<| restDrvs) -> do
seen_ids <- get
let mkNode
| not (CSet.member thisDrv seen_ids) && CSet.member thisDrv derivationsToShow = do
let drvInfo = get' (getDerivationInfos thisDrv)
childs = children thisDrv
modify (CSet.insert thisDrv)
subforest goBuildForest childs
subforest <- goBuildForest childs
pure (Node drvInfo subforest :)
| otherwise = pure id
prepend_node mkNode
prepend_node <- mkNode
prepend_node <$> goBuildForest restDrvs
_ pure []
derivationsToShow DerivationSet
_ -> pure []
derivationsToShow :: DerivationSet
derivationsToShow =
let should_be_shown (index, (can_be_hidden, _, _)) = not can_be_hidden || index < maxHeight
(_, sorted_set) = execState (goDerivationsToShow forestRoots) mempty
in CSet.fromFoldable $
fmap (\(_, (_, _, drvId)) drvId) $
fmap (\(_, (_, _, drvId)) -> drvId) $
takeWhile should_be_shown $
itoList $
Set.toAscList sorted_set
children DerivationId Seq DerivationId
children drv_id = fmap fst $ (.inputDerivations) $ get' $ getDerivationInfos drv_id
children :: DerivationId -> Seq DerivationId
children drv_id = fmap (.derivation) $ (.inputDerivations) $ get' $ getDerivationInfos drv_id
Seq DerivationId
goDerivationsToShow ::
Seq DerivationId ->
( DerivationSet -- seenIds
, Set
@ -286,12 +283,12 @@ printBuilds nomState@MkNOMV1State{..} hostNums maxHeight = printBuildsWithTime
goDerivationsToShow = \case
(thisDrv Seq.:<| restDrvs) do
(seen_ids, sorted_set) get
(thisDrv Seq.:<| restDrvs) -> do
(seen_ids, sorted_set) <- get
let ~sort_key = sortKey nomState thisDrv
summary@MkDependencySummary{..} = get' (summaryIncludingRoot thisDrv)
~runningTransfers = CMap.keysSet runningDownloads <> CMap.keysSet runningUploads
~nodesOfRunningTransfers = flip foldMap (CSet.toList runningTransfers) \path
~nodesOfRunningTransfers = flip foldMap (CSet.toList runningTransfers) \path ->
let infos = get' (getStorePathInfos path)
in infos.inputFor <> CSet.fromFoldable infos.producer
~may_hide = CSet.isSubsetOf (nodesOfRunningTransfers <> CMap.keysSet failedBuilds <> CMap.keysSet runningBuilds) seen_ids
@ -307,12 +304,12 @@ printBuilds nomState@MkNOMV1State{..} hostNums maxHeight = printBuildsWithTime
~new_sorted_set = Set.insert (may_hide, sort_key, thisDrv) sorted_set
when show_this_node $ put (new_seen_ids, new_sorted_set) >> goDerivationsToShow (children thisDrv)
goDerivationsToShow restDrvs
_ pass
_ -> pass
get' NOMState b b
get' :: NOMState b -> b
get' procedure = evalState procedure nomState
showSummary DependencySummary Text
showSummary :: DependencySummary -> Text
showSummary MkDependencySummary{..} =
unwords $
@ -336,37 +333,37 @@ printBuilds nomState@MkNOMV1State{..} hostNums maxHeight = printBuildsWithTime
[markup blue $ show (CSet.size plannedDownloads) <> " " <> down <> " " <> todo]
hostMarkup Bool Host [Text]
hostMarkup :: Bool -> Host -> [Text]
hostMarkup _ Localhost = mempty
hostMarkup color host = ["on", hostLabel color host]
print_hosts Bool Text [Host] [Text]
print_hosts :: Bool -> Text -> [Host] -> [Text]
print_hosts color direction_label hosts
| null hosts || length hostNums <= 2 = []
| otherwise = direction_label : (hostLabel color <$> hosts)
print_hosts_down color = print_hosts color "from"
print_hosts_up color = print_hosts color "to"
printDerivation DerivationInfo Map Text StorePathId (Bool, AbsTime Text)
printDerivation :: DerivationInfo -> Map Text StorePathId -> (Bool, Double -> Text)
printDerivation drvInfo _input_store_paths = do
let store_paths_in StorePathSet Bool
let store_paths_in :: StorePathSet -> Bool
store_paths_in some_set = not $ Map.null $ Map.filter (`CSet.member` some_set) drvInfo.outputs
store_paths_in_map StorePathMap (TransferInfo a) [TransferInfo a]
store_paths_in_map :: StorePathMap (TransferInfo a) -> [TransferInfo a]
store_paths_in_map info_map = toList $ Map.mapMaybe (`CMap.lookup` info_map) drvInfo.outputs
hosts [TransferInfo a] [Host]
hosts :: [TransferInfo a] -> [Host]
hosts = toList . Set.fromList . fmap (.host)
earliest_start [TransferInfo a] AbsTime
earliest_start :: [TransferInfo a] -> Double
earliest_start = Unsafe.minimum . fmap (.start)
build_sum [TransferInfo (Maybe AbsTime)] NominalDiffTime
build_sum = relTimeToSeconds . sum . fmap (\transfer_info maybe 0 (diffAbsTime transfer_info.start) transfer_info.end)
if_time_diff_relevant AbsTime AbsTime ([Text] [Text]) [Text]
if_time_diff_relevant to from = if_time_dur_relevant (relTimeToSeconds $ diffAbsTime to from)
if_time_dur_relevant NominalDiffTime ([Text] [Text]) [Text]
build_sum :: [TransferInfo (Strict.Maybe Double)] -> NominalDiffTime
build_sum = sum . fmap (\transfer_info -> realToFrac $ Strict.maybe 0 (transfer_info.start -) transfer_info.end)
if_time_diff_relevant :: Double -> Double -> ([Text] -> [Text]) -> [Text]
if_time_diff_relevant to from = if_time_dur_relevant $ realToFrac (to - from)
if_time_dur_relevant :: NominalDiffTime -> ([Text] -> [Text]) -> [Text]
if_time_dur_relevant dur mod' = memptyIfFalse (dur > 1) (mod' [clock, printDuration dur])
phaseMay activityId' = do
activityId activityId'
(_, phase, _) IntMap.lookup activityId.value nomState.activities
activityId <- Strict.toLazy activityId'
activity_status <- IntMap.lookup activityId.value nomState.activities
Strict.toLazy $ activity_status.phase
drvName = appendDifferingPlatform nomState drvInfo
downloadingOutputs = store_paths_in_map drvInfo.dependencySummary.runningDownloads
uploadingOutputs = store_paths_in_map drvInfo.dependencySummary.runningUploads
@ -384,18 +381,18 @@ printBuilds nomState@MkNOMV1State{..} hostNums maxHeight = printBuildsWithTime
case drvInfo.buildStatus of
| not $ null downloadingOutputs
| not $ null downloadingOutputs ->
( False
, \now
, \now ->
unwords $
markups [bold, yellow] (down <> " " <> running <> " " <> drvName)
: ( print_hosts_down True (hosts downloadingOutputs)
<> if_time_diff_relevant now (earliest_start downloadingOutputs) id
| not $ null uploadingOutputs
| not $ null uploadingOutputs ->
( False
, \now
, \now ->
unwords $
markups [bold, yellow] (up <> " " <> running <> " " <> drvName)
: ( print_hosts_up True (hosts uploadingOutputs)
@ -403,8 +400,8 @@ printBuilds nomState@MkNOMV1State{..} hostNums maxHeight = printBuildsWithTime
| plannedDownloads (True, const $ markup blue (down <> " " <> todo <> " " <> drvName))
| not $ null downloadedOutputs
| plannedDownloads -> (True, const $ markup blue (down <> " " <> todo <> " " <> drvName))
| not $ null downloadedOutputs ->
( False
, const $
unwords $
@ -415,7 +412,7 @@ printBuilds nomState@MkNOMV1State{..} hostNums maxHeight = printBuildsWithTime
<> if_time_dur_relevant (build_sum downloadedOutputs) id
| not $ null uploadedOutputs
| not $ null uploadedOutputs ->
( False
, const $
unwords $
@ -426,30 +423,30 @@ printBuilds nomState@MkNOMV1State{..} hostNums maxHeight = printBuildsWithTime
<> if_time_dur_relevant (build_sum uploadedOutputs) id
| otherwise (False, const drvName)
Planned (True, const $ markup blue (todo <> " " <> drvName))
Building buildInfo
| otherwise -> (False, const drvName)
Planned -> (True, const $ markup blue (todo <> " " <> drvName))
Building buildInfo ->
let phaseList = case phaseMay buildInfo.activityId of
Nothing []
Just phase [markup bold ("(" <> phase <> ")")]
Nothing -> []
Just phase -> [markup bold ("(" <> phase <> ")")]
before_time =
[markups [yellow, bold] (running <> " " <> drvName)]
<> hostMarkup True
<> phaseList
after_time = maybe [] (\x ["(" <> average <> " " <> timeDiffSeconds x <> ")"]) buildInfo.estimate
in (False, \now unwords $ before_time <> if_time_diff_relevant now buildInfo.start (<> after_time))
Failed buildInfo
let (endTime, failType) = buildInfo.end
after_time = Strict.maybe [] (\x -> ["(" <> average <> " " <> timeDiffSeconds x <> ")"]) buildInfo.estimate
in (False, \now -> unwords $ before_time <> if_time_diff_relevant now buildInfo.start (<> after_time))
Failed buildInfo ->
let MkBuildFail endTime failType = buildInfo.end
phaseInfo = case phaseMay buildInfo.activityId of
Nothing []
Just phase ["in", phase]
Nothing -> []
Just phase -> ["in", phase]
in ( False
, const
. markups [red, bold]
. unwords
$ [warning, drvName] <> hostMarkup False <> ["failed with", printFailType failType, "after", clock, timeDiff endTime buildInfo.start] <> phaseInfo
Built buildInfo
Built buildInfo ->
( False
, const $
markup green (done <> " " <> drvName)
@ -461,16 +458,16 @@ printBuilds nomState@MkNOMV1State{..} hostNums maxHeight = printBuildsWithTime
printFailType FailType Text
printFailType :: FailType -> Text
printFailType = \case
ExitCode i "exit code " <> show i
HashMismatch "hash mismatch"
ExitCode i -> "exit code " <> show i
HashMismatch -> "hash mismatch"
timeDiff AbsTime AbsTime Text
timeDiff :: Double -> Double -> Text
timeDiff x =
printDuration . relTimeToSeconds . diffAbsTime x
printDuration . realToFrac . (x -)
printDuration NominalDiffTime Text
printDuration :: NominalDiffTime -> Text
printDuration diff
| diff < 60 = p "%Ss"
| diff < 60 * 60 = p "%Mm%Ss"
@ -478,5 +475,5 @@ printDuration diff
p x = toText $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale x diff
timeDiffSeconds Int Text
timeDiffSeconds :: Int -> Text
timeDiffSeconds = printDuration . fromIntegral

View file

@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ module NOM.Print.Table (
) where
import Relude hiding (truncate)
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
-- wcwidth
import Data.Char.WCWidth (wcwidth)
-- ansi-terminal
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as ByteString
import Data.Char.WCWidth (wcwidth)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Relude hiding (truncate)
import System.Console.ANSI (
Color (Black, Blue, Green, Magenta, Red, Yellow),
ColorIntensity (Dull, Vivid),
@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ import System.Console.ANSI (
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as ByteString
data Entry = Entry
{ codes :: [SGR]
, lcontent :: Text
@ -90,8 +88,10 @@ cells width e = e{width}
label :: Text -> Entry -> Entry
label t e = e{lcontent = t}
addCode :: SGR -> Entry -> Entry
addCode code e = e{codes = code :}
addColor :: Color -> Entry -> Entry
addColor = addCode . SetColor Foreground Dull
@ -133,10 +133,13 @@ nextWidth :: Text -> NonEmpty (NonEmpty Entry) -> (Int, [NonEmpty Entry])
nextWidth sep rows = (width, chopWidthFromRows sep width rows)
width = getWidthForNextColumn rows
getWidthForNextColumn :: NonEmpty (NonEmpty Entry) -> Int
getWidthForNextColumn = getWidthForColumn . fmap head
getWidthForColumn :: NonEmpty Entry -> Int
getWidthForColumn = foldl' max 0 . fmap getRelevantWidthForEntry
getRelevantWidthForEntry :: Entry -> Int
getRelevantWidthForEntry entry
| entry.width == 1 = entryWidth entry
@ -147,6 +150,7 @@ entryWidth Entry{lcontent, rcontent} = displayWidth lcontent + displayWidth rcon
chopWidthFromRows :: Text -> Int -> NonEmpty (NonEmpty Entry) -> [NonEmpty Entry]
chopWidthFromRows sep width = mapMaybe (nonEmpty . chopWidthFromRow sep width) . toList
chopWidthFromRow :: Text -> Int -> NonEmpty Entry -> [Entry]
chopWidthFromRow sep targetWidth (entry@Entry{width} :| rest)
| width > 1 = entry{width = width - 1, lcontent = "", rcontent = mtimesDefault (max 0 (entryWidth entry - targetWidth - displayWidth sep)) " "} : rest

View file

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
module NOM.Print.Tree (showForest) where
import Relude
import Data.Tree (Forest, Tree (..))
import NOM.Print.Table (blue, markup)
import Relude
showForest :: Forest Text -> [Text]
showForest = reverse . go False

View file

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
module NOM.State (
ProgressState (..),
@ -14,8 +17,11 @@ module NOM.State (
TransferInfo (..),
BuildFail (..),
NOMV1State (..),
ActivityStatus (..),
InputDerivation (..),
@ -36,6 +42,7 @@ module NOM.State (
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Strict qualified as Strict
import NOM.Builds (Derivation (..), FailType, Host (..), StorePath (..))
import NOM.NixMessage.JSON (Activity, ActivityId, ActivityProgress)
import NOM.State.CacheId (CacheId)
@ -52,7 +59,15 @@ import NOM.Update.Monad (
import NOM.Util (foldMapEndo)
import Optics (gfield, (%~))
import Relude
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Units (AbsTime)
import Type.Strict qualified as StrictType
instance StrictType.StrictType seen v => StrictType.StrictType seen (IntMap v)
instance StrictType.StrictType seen v => StrictType.StrictType seen (Map k v)
instance StrictType.StrictType seen IntSet
instance StrictType.StrictType seen v => StrictType.StrictType seen (Seq v)
data StorePathState
= DownloadPlanned
@ -62,17 +77,23 @@ data StorePathState
| Uploaded CompletedTransferInfo
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
data InputDerivation = MkInputDerivation
{ derivation :: DerivationId
, outputs :: Set Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
data DerivationInfo = MkDerivationInfo
{ name Derivation
, outputs Map Text StorePathId
, inputDerivations Seq (DerivationId, Set Text)
, inputSources StorePathSet
, buildStatus BuildStatus
, dependencySummary DependencySummary
, cached Bool
, derivationParents DerivationSet
, pname Maybe Text
, platform Maybe Text
{ name :: Derivation
, outputs :: Map Text StorePathId
, inputDerivations :: Seq InputDerivation
, inputSources :: StorePathSet
, buildStatus :: BuildStatus
, dependencySummary :: DependencySummary
, cached :: Bool
, derivationParents :: DerivationSet
, pname :: Strict.Maybe Text
, platform :: Strict.Maybe Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
@ -89,84 +110,97 @@ type StorePathSet = CacheIdSet StorePath
type DerivationSet = CacheIdSet Derivation
data StorePathInfo = MkStorePathInfo
{ name StorePath
, states Set StorePathState
, producer Maybe DerivationId
, inputFor DerivationSet
{ name :: StorePath
, states :: Set StorePathState
, producer :: Strict.Maybe DerivationId
, inputFor :: DerivationSet
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
type RunningBuildInfo = BuildInfo ()
type CompletedBuildInfo = BuildInfo AbsTime
type CompletedBuildInfo = BuildInfo Double
type RunningTransferInfo = TransferInfo ()
type CompletedTransferInfo = TransferInfo (Maybe AbsTime)
type CompletedTransferInfo = TransferInfo (Strict.Maybe Double)
type FailedBuildInfo = BuildInfo (AbsTime, FailType)
type FailedBuildInfo = BuildInfo BuildFail
data DependencySummary = MkDependencySummary
{ plannedBuilds DerivationSet
, runningBuilds DerivationMap RunningBuildInfo
, completedBuilds DerivationMap CompletedBuildInfo
, failedBuilds DerivationMap FailedBuildInfo
, plannedDownloads StorePathSet
, completedDownloads StorePathMap CompletedTransferInfo
, completedUploads StorePathMap CompletedTransferInfo
, runningDownloads StorePathMap RunningTransferInfo
, runningUploads StorePathMap RunningTransferInfo
{ plannedBuilds :: DerivationSet
, runningBuilds :: DerivationMap RunningBuildInfo
, completedBuilds :: DerivationMap CompletedBuildInfo
, failedBuilds :: DerivationMap FailedBuildInfo
, plannedDownloads :: StorePathSet
, completedDownloads :: StorePathMap CompletedTransferInfo
, completedUploads :: StorePathMap CompletedTransferInfo
, runningDownloads :: StorePathMap RunningTransferInfo
, runningUploads :: StorePathMap RunningTransferInfo
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
data ActivityStatus = MkActivityStatus
{ activity :: Activity
, phase :: Strict.Maybe Text
, progress :: Strict.Maybe ActivityProgress
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
data NOMV1State = MkNOMV1State
{ derivationInfos DerivationMap DerivationInfo
, storePathInfos StorePathMap StorePathInfo
, fullSummary DependencySummary
, forestRoots Seq DerivationId
, buildReports BuildReportMap
, startTime AbsTime
, progressState ProgressState
, storePathIds Map StorePath StorePathId
, derivationIds Map Derivation DerivationId
, touchedIds DerivationSet
, activities IntMap (Activity, Maybe Text, Maybe ActivityProgress)
, nixErrors [Text]
, buildPlatform Maybe Text
{ derivationInfos :: DerivationMap DerivationInfo
, storePathInfos :: StorePathMap StorePathInfo
, fullSummary :: DependencySummary
, forestRoots :: Seq DerivationId
, buildReports :: BuildReportMap
, startTime :: Double
, progressState :: ProgressState
, storePathIds :: Map StorePath StorePathId
, derivationIds :: Map Derivation DerivationId
, touchedIds :: DerivationSet
, activities :: IntMap ActivityStatus
, nixErrors :: Seq Text
, buildPlatform :: Strict.Maybe Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
data ProgressState = JustStarted | InputReceived | Finished
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
data BuildFail = MkBuildFail
{ at :: Double
, failType :: FailType
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
data BuildStatus
= Unknown
| Planned
| Building (BuildInfo ())
| Failed (BuildInfo (AbsTime, FailType)) -- End
| Built (BuildInfo AbsTime) -- End
| Failed (BuildInfo BuildFail) -- End
| Built (BuildInfo Double) -- End
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
data BuildInfo a = MkBuildInfo
{ start AbsTime
, host Host
, estimate Maybe Int
, activityId Maybe ActivityId
, end a
{ start :: Double
, host :: Host
, estimate :: Strict.Maybe Int
, activityId :: Strict.Maybe ActivityId
, end :: a
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Functor)
data TransferInfo a = MkTransferInfo
{ host Host
, start AbsTime
, end a
{ host :: Host
, start :: Double
, end :: a
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Functor)
initalStateFromBuildPlatform (MonadCacheBuildReports m, MonadNow m) Maybe Text m NOMV1State
initalStateFromBuildPlatform :: (MonadCacheBuildReports m, MonadNow m) => Maybe Text -> m NOMV1State
initalStateFromBuildPlatform platform = do
now getNow
buildReports getCachedBuildReports
now <- getNow
buildReports <- getCachedBuildReports
pure $
@ -181,7 +215,7 @@ initalStateFromBuildPlatform platform = do
(Strict.toStrict platform)
instance Semigroup DependencySummary where
(MkDependencySummary ls1 lm2 lm3 lm4 ls5 lm6 lm7 lm8 lm9) <> (MkDependencySummary rs1 rm2 rm3 rm4 rs5 rm6 rm7 rm8 rm9) = MkDependencySummary (ls1 <> rs1) (lm2 <> rm2) (lm3 <> rm3) (lm4 <> rm4) (ls5 <> rs5) (lm6 <> rm6) (lm7 <> rm7) (lm8 <> rm8) (lm9 <> rm9)
@ -189,60 +223,60 @@ instance Semigroup DependencySummary where
instance Monoid DependencySummary where
mempty = MkDependencySummary mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
getRunningBuilds NOMState (DerivationMap RunningBuildInfo)
getRunningBuilds :: NOMState (DerivationMap RunningBuildInfo)
getRunningBuilds = gets (.fullSummary.runningBuilds)
getRunningBuildsByHost Host NOMState (DerivationMap RunningBuildInfo)
getRunningBuildsByHost host = CMap.filter (\x == host) <$> getRunningBuilds
getRunningBuildsByHost :: Host -> NOMState (DerivationMap RunningBuildInfo)
getRunningBuildsByHost host = CMap.filter (\x -> == host) <$> getRunningBuilds
lookupStorePathId StorePathId NOMState StorePath
lookupStorePathId :: StorePathId -> NOMState StorePath
lookupStorePathId pathId = (.name) <$> getStorePathInfos pathId
type NOMState a = m. MonadState NOMV1State m m a
type NOMState a = forall m. MonadState NOMV1State m => m a
type NOMStateT m a = MonadState NOMV1State m m a
type NOMStateT m a = MonadState NOMV1State m => m a
emptyStorePathInfo StorePath StorePathInfo
emptyStorePathInfo path = MkStorePathInfo path mempty Nothing mempty
emptyStorePathInfo :: StorePath -> StorePathInfo
emptyStorePathInfo path = MkStorePathInfo path mempty Strict.Nothing mempty
emptyDerivationInfo Derivation DerivationInfo
emptyDerivationInfo drv = MkDerivationInfo drv mempty mempty mempty Unknown mempty False mempty Nothing Nothing
emptyDerivationInfo :: Derivation -> DerivationInfo
emptyDerivationInfo drv = MkDerivationInfo drv mempty mempty mempty Unknown mempty False mempty Strict.Nothing Strict.Nothing
getStorePathId StorePath NOMState StorePathId
getStorePathId :: StorePath -> NOMState StorePathId
getStorePathId path = do
let newId = do
key gets (CMap.nextKey . (.storePathInfos))
key <- gets (CMap.nextKey . (.storePathInfos))
modify (gfield @"storePathInfos" %~ CMap.insert key (emptyStorePathInfo path))
modify (gfield @"storePathIds" %~ Map.insert path key)
pure key
gets (Map.lookup path . (.storePathIds)) >>= maybe newId pure
getDerivationId Derivation NOMState DerivationId
getDerivationId :: Derivation -> NOMState DerivationId
getDerivationId drv = do
let newId = do
key gets (CMap.nextKey . (.derivationInfos))
key <- gets (CMap.nextKey . (.derivationInfos))
modify (gfield @"derivationInfos" %~ CMap.insert key (emptyDerivationInfo drv))
modify (gfield @"derivationIds" %~ Map.insert drv key)
pure key
gets (Map.lookup drv . (.derivationIds)) >>= maybe newId pure
inputStorePaths DerivationInfo NOMState (Map Text StorePathId)
inputStorePaths :: DerivationInfo -> NOMState (Map Text StorePathId)
inputStorePaths drv_info = do
inputs forM (CSet.toList drv_info.inputSources) \source do
store_path_infos getStorePathInfos source
inputs <- forM (CSet.toList drv_info.inputSources) \source -> do
store_path_infos <- getStorePathInfos source
pure (, source)
pure $ Map.fromList inputs
derivationToAnyOutPath DerivationId NOMState (Maybe StorePath)
derivationToAnyOutPath :: DerivationId -> NOMState (Maybe StorePath)
derivationToAnyOutPath drv =
gets (CMap.lookup drv . (.derivationInfos) >=> listToMaybe . Map.elems . (.outputs))
>>= mapM (\pathId lookupStorePathId pathId)
>>= mapM (\pathId -> lookupStorePathId pathId)
outPathToDerivation StorePathId NOMState (Maybe DerivationId)
outPathToDerivation path = gets (CMap.lookup path . (.storePathInfos) >=> (.producer))
outPathToDerivation :: StorePathId -> NOMState (Maybe DerivationId)
outPathToDerivation path = gets (CMap.lookup path . (.storePathInfos) >=> Strict.toLazy . (.producer))
-- Only do this with derivationIds that you got via lookupDerivation
getDerivationInfos DerivationId NOMState DerivationInfo
getDerivationInfos :: DerivationId -> NOMState DerivationInfo
getDerivationInfos drvId =
fromMaybe (error "BUG: drvId is no key in derivationInfos")
. CMap.lookup drvId
@ -250,52 +284,52 @@ getDerivationInfos drvId =
<$> get
-- Only do this with derivationIds that you got via lookupDerivation
getStorePathInfos StorePathId NOMState StorePathInfo
getStorePathInfos :: StorePathId -> NOMState StorePathInfo
getStorePathInfos storePathId =
fromMaybe (error "BUG: storePathId is no key in storePathInfos")
. CMap.lookup storePathId
. (.storePathInfos)
<$> get
clearDerivationIdFromSummary BuildStatus DerivationId DependencySummary DependencySummary
clearDerivationIdFromSummary :: BuildStatus -> DerivationId -> DependencySummary -> DependencySummary
clearDerivationIdFromSummary oldStatus drvId = case oldStatus of
Unknown id
Planned gfield @"plannedBuilds" %~ CSet.delete drvId
Building _ gfield @"runningBuilds" %~ CMap.delete drvId
Failed _ gfield @"failedBuilds" %~ CMap.delete drvId
Built _ gfield @"completedBuilds" %~ CMap.delete drvId
Unknown -> id
Planned -> gfield @"plannedBuilds" %~ CSet.delete drvId
Building _ -> gfield @"runningBuilds" %~ CMap.delete drvId
Failed _ -> gfield @"failedBuilds" %~ CMap.delete drvId
Built _ -> gfield @"completedBuilds" %~ CMap.delete drvId
updateSummaryForDerivation BuildStatus BuildStatus DerivationId DependencySummary DependencySummary
updateSummaryForDerivation :: BuildStatus -> BuildStatus -> DerivationId -> DependencySummary -> DependencySummary
updateSummaryForDerivation oldStatus newStatus drvId =
clearDerivationIdFromSummary oldStatus drvId . case newStatus of
Unknown id
Planned gfield @"plannedBuilds" %~ CSet.insert drvId
Building bi gfield @"runningBuilds" %~ CMap.insert drvId (void bi)
Failed bi gfield @"failedBuilds" %~ CMap.insert drvId bi
Built bi gfield @"completedBuilds" %~ CMap.insert drvId bi
Unknown -> id
Planned -> gfield @"plannedBuilds" %~ CSet.insert drvId
Building bi -> gfield @"runningBuilds" %~ CMap.insert drvId (void bi)
Failed bi -> gfield @"failedBuilds" %~ CMap.insert drvId bi
Built bi -> gfield @"completedBuilds" %~ CMap.insert drvId bi
clearStorePathsFromSummary Set StorePathState StorePathId DependencySummary DependencySummary
clearStorePathsFromSummary :: Set StorePathState -> StorePathId -> DependencySummary -> DependencySummary
clearStorePathsFromSummary deleted_states path_id =
foldMapEndo remove_deleted deleted_states
remove_deleted StorePathState DependencySummary DependencySummary
remove_deleted :: StorePathState -> DependencySummary -> DependencySummary
remove_deleted = \case
DownloadPlanned gfield @"plannedDownloads" %~ CSet.delete path_id
Downloading _ gfield @"runningDownloads" %~ CMap.delete path_id
Uploading _ gfield @"runningUploads" %~ CMap.delete path_id
Downloaded _ gfield @"completedDownloads" %~ CMap.delete path_id
Uploaded _ gfield @"completedUploads" %~ CMap.delete path_id
DownloadPlanned -> gfield @"plannedDownloads" %~ CSet.delete path_id
Downloading _ -> gfield @"runningDownloads" %~ CMap.delete path_id
Uploading _ -> gfield @"runningUploads" %~ CMap.delete path_id
Downloaded _ -> gfield @"completedDownloads" %~ CMap.delete path_id
Uploaded _ -> gfield @"completedUploads" %~ CMap.delete path_id
updateSummaryForStorePath Set StorePathState Set StorePathState StorePathId DependencySummary DependencySummary
updateSummaryForStorePath :: Set StorePathState -> Set StorePathState -> StorePathId -> DependencySummary -> DependencySummary
updateSummaryForStorePath old_states new_states path_id =
foldMapEndo insert_added added_states . clearStorePathsFromSummary deleted_states path_id
insert_added StorePathState DependencySummary DependencySummary
insert_added :: StorePathState -> DependencySummary -> DependencySummary
insert_added = \case
DownloadPlanned gfield @"plannedDownloads" %~ CSet.insert path_id
Downloading ho gfield @"runningDownloads" %~ CMap.insert path_id ho
Uploading ho gfield @"runningUploads" %~ CMap.insert path_id ho
Downloaded ho gfield @"completedDownloads" %~ CMap.insert path_id ho
Uploaded ho gfield @"completedUploads" %~ CMap.insert path_id ho
DownloadPlanned -> gfield @"plannedDownloads" %~ CSet.insert path_id
Downloading ho -> gfield @"runningDownloads" %~ CMap.insert path_id ho
Uploading ho -> gfield @"runningUploads" %~ CMap.insert path_id ho
Downloaded ho -> gfield @"completedDownloads" %~ CMap.insert path_id ho
Uploaded ho -> gfield @"completedUploads" %~ CMap.insert path_id ho
deleted_states = Set.difference old_states new_states
added_states = Set.difference new_states old_states

View file

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
module NOM.State.CacheId (CacheId (..)) where
import Relude
import Data.MemoTrie (HasTrie (..))
import Relude
newtype CacheId b = MkCacheId {unCacheId :: Int}
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Generic)

View file

@ -12,12 +12,10 @@ module NOM.State.CacheId.Map (
) where
import Relude
import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IntMap
import NOM.State.CacheId (CacheId (MkCacheId))
import NOM.State.CacheId.Set qualified as CSet
import Relude
newtype CacheIdMap b a = MkCacheIdMap {intMap :: IntMap a}
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Generic)

View file

@ -13,11 +13,9 @@ module NOM.State.CacheId.Set (
) where
import Relude hiding (head)
import Data.IntSet qualified as IntSet
import NOM.State.CacheId (CacheId (MkCacheId))
import Relude hiding (head)
newtype CacheIdSet b = MkCacheIdSet {ints :: IntSet}
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Generic)

View file

@ -5,22 +5,19 @@ module NOM.State.Sorting (
) where
import Relude
import Control.Monad.Extra (pureIf)
import Data.List.Extra (firstJust)
import Data.MemoTrie (memo)
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Optics (gfield, view, (%~), _1)
import Safe.Foldable (minimumMay)
import Data.Sequence.Strict qualified as Seq
import NOM.State (
BuildFail (..),
BuildInfo (..),
BuildStatus (Unknown),
DependencySummary (..),
DerivationInfo (..),
InputDerivation (..),
NOMV1State (..),
StorePathInfo (..),
@ -33,7 +30,9 @@ import NOM.State (
import NOM.State.CacheId.Map qualified as CMap
import NOM.State.CacheId.Set qualified as CSet
import NOM.Util (foldMapEndo)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Units (AbsTime)
import Optics (gfield, (%~))
import Relude
import Safe.Foldable (minimumMay)
sortDepsOfSet :: DerivationSet -> NOMState ()
sortDepsOfSet parents = do
@ -43,8 +42,8 @@ sortDepsOfSet parents = do
drvInfo <- getDerivationInfos drvId
let newDrvInfo = (gfield @"inputDerivations" %~ sort_derivations) drvInfo
modify' (gfield @"derivationInfos" %~ CMap.insert drvId newDrvInfo)
sort_derivations :: Seq (DerivationId, Set Text) -> Seq (DerivationId, Set Text)
sort_derivations = Seq.sortOn (sort_key . fst)
sort_derivations :: Seq InputDerivation -> Seq InputDerivation
sort_derivations = Seq.sortOn (sort_key . (.derivation))
sort_key :: DerivationId -> SortKey
sort_key = memo (sortKey currentState)
@ -62,21 +61,21 @@ type SortKey =
data SortOrder
= -- First the failed builds starting with the earliest failures
SFailed AbsTime
SFailed Double
| -- Second the running builds starting with longest running
SBuilding AbsTime
SBuilding Double
| -- The longer a download is running, the more it matters.
SDownloading AbsTime
SDownloading Double
| -- The longer an upload is running, the more it matters.
SUploading AbsTime
SUploading Double
| SWaiting
| SDownloadWaiting
| -- The longer a build is completed the less it matters
SDone (Down AbsTime)
SDone (Down Double)
| -- The longer a download is completed the less it matters
SDownloaded (Down AbsTime)
SDownloaded (Down Double)
| -- The longer an upload is completed the less it matters
SUploaded (Down AbsTime)
SUploaded (Down Double)
| SUnknown
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Ord)
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ sortOrder :: DependencySummary -> SortOrder
sortOrder MkDependencySummary{..} = fromMaybe SUnknown (firstJust id sort_entries)
sort_entries =
[ SFailed <$> minimumMay (view _1 . (.end) <$> failedBuilds)
[ SFailed <$> minimumMay ((.at) . (.end) <$> failedBuilds)
, SBuilding <$> minimumMay ((.start) <$> runningBuilds)
, SDownloading <$> minimumMay ((.start) <$> runningDownloads)
, SUploading <$> minimumMay ((.start) <$> runningUploads)

View file

@ -2,9 +2,8 @@ module NOM.State.Tree (
) where
import Relude
import Data.Tree (Tree (Node))
import Relude
mapRootsTwigsAndLeafs :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
mapRootsTwigsAndLeafs mapRoot mapTwig mapLeaf = go True

View file

@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (WriterT (runWriterT))
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as ByteString
import Data.IntMap qualified as IntMap
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Sequence.Strict qualified as Seq
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime)
-- optics
import Data.Strict qualified as Strict
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime)
import NOM.Builds (Derivation (..), FailType, Host (..), StorePath (..), parseDerivation, parseIndentedStoreObject, parseStorePath)
import NOM.Error (NOMError)
import NOM.IO.ParseStream.Attoparsec (parseOneText, stripANSICodes)
@ -21,6 +22,8 @@ import NOM.NixMessage.OldStyle qualified as OldStyleMessage
import NOM.Parser qualified as Parser
import NOM.Print.Table (blue, markup)
import NOM.State (
ActivityStatus (..),
BuildFail (..),
BuildInfo (..),
BuildStatus (..),
@ -28,6 +31,7 @@ import NOM.State (
DerivationInfo (..),
InputDerivation (..),
NOMV1State (..),
@ -60,66 +64,65 @@ import NOM.Update.Monad (
MonadReadDerivation (..),
import NOM.Util (diffTime, foldMapEndo, relTimeToSeconds)
import NOM.Util (foldMapEndo)
import Nix.Derivation qualified as Nix
import Optics (gconstructor, gfield, has, preview, view, (%), (%~), (.~), (?~), _1, _2, _3)
import Optics (gconstructor, gfield, has, preview, (%), (%~), (.~))
import Relude
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Units (AbsTime, diffAbsTime)
import System.Console.ANSI (SGR (Reset), setSGRCode)
type ProcessingT m a = UpdateMonad m NOMStateT (WriterT [Either NOMError ByteString] m) a
type ProcessingT m a = UpdateMonad m => NOMStateT (WriterT [Either NOMError ByteString] m) a
getReportName DerivationInfo Text
getReportName :: DerivationInfo -> Text
getReportName drv = case drv.pname of
Just pname pname
Nothing Text.dropWhileEnd (`Set.member` fromList ".1234567890-")
Strict.Just pname -> pname
Strict.Nothing -> Text.dropWhileEnd (`Set.member` fromList ".1234567890-")
setInputReceived NOMState Bool
setInputReceived :: NOMState Bool
setInputReceived = do
s get
s <- get
let change = s.progressState == JustStarted
when change (put s{progressState = InputReceived})
pure change
maintainState NOMV1State NOMV1State
maintainState :: NOMV1State -> NOMV1State
maintainState = execState $ do
currentState@MkNOMV1State{touchedIds} get
currentState@MkNOMV1State{touchedIds} <- get
unless (CSet.null touchedIds) $ do
sortDepsOfSet touchedIds
modify (gfield @"forestRoots" %~ Seq.sortOn (sortKey currentState))
modify (gfield @"touchedIds" .~ mempty)
minTimeBetweenPollingNixStore NominalDiffTime
minTimeBetweenPollingNixStore :: NominalDiffTime
minTimeBetweenPollingNixStore = 0.2 -- in seconds
{-# INLINE updateStateNixJSONMessage #-}
updateStateNixJSONMessage m. UpdateMonad m Either NOMError NixJSONMessage NOMV1State m (([NOMError], ByteString), Maybe NOMV1State)
updateStateNixJSONMessage :: forall m. UpdateMonad m => Either NOMError NixJSONMessage -> NOMV1State -> m (([NOMError], ByteString), Maybe NOMV1State)
updateStateNixJSONMessage input inputState =
{-# SCC "updateStateNixJSONMessage" #-}
let process =
{-# SCC "matching_message" #-}
case input of
Left err do
Left err -> do
tell [Left err]
Right jsonMessage processJsonMessage jsonMessage
((hasChanged, msgs), !outputState) {-# SCC "run_state" #-} runStateT (runWriterT (({-# SCC "input_received" #-} setInputReceived) >> {-# SCC "processing" #-} process)) inputState
Right jsonMessage -> processJsonMessage jsonMessage
((hasChanged, msgs), outputState) <- {-# SCC "run_state" #-} runStateT (runWriterT (({-# SCC "input_received" #-} setInputReceived) >> {-# SCC "processing" #-} process)) inputState
let retval = if hasChanged then Just outputState else Nothing
errors = lefts msgs
{-# SCC "emitting_new_state" #-} pure ((errors, ByteString.unlines (rights msgs)), retval)
updateStateNixOldStyleMessage m. UpdateMonad m (Maybe NixOldStyleMessage, ByteString) (Maybe AbsTime, NOMV1State) m (([NOMError], ByteString), (Maybe AbsTime, Maybe NOMV1State))
updateStateNixOldStyleMessage :: forall m. UpdateMonad m => (Maybe NixOldStyleMessage, ByteString) -> (Maybe Double, NOMV1State) -> m (([NOMError], ByteString), (Maybe Double, Maybe NOMV1State))
updateStateNixOldStyleMessage (result, input) (inputAccessTime, inputState) = do
now getNow
now <- getNow
let processing = case result of
Just result' processResult result'
Nothing pure False
Just result' -> processResult result'
Nothing -> pure False
(outputAccessTime, check)
| maybe True ((>= minTimeBetweenPollingNixStore) . diffTime now) inputAccessTime = (Just now, detectLocalFinishedBuilds)
| maybe True ((>= minTimeBetweenPollingNixStore) . realToFrac . (now -)) inputAccessTime = (Just now, detectLocalFinishedBuilds)
| otherwise = (inputAccessTime, pure False)
((!hasChanged, !msgs), outputState)
((hasChanged, msgs), outputState) <-
( runWriterT
( or
@ -140,296 +143,296 @@ updateStateNixOldStyleMessage (result, input) (inputAccessTime, inputState) = do
errors = lefts msgs
pure ((errors, input <> ByteString.unlines (rights msgs)), retval)
derivationIsCompleted UpdateMonad m DerivationId NOMStateT m Bool
derivationIsCompleted :: UpdateMonad m => DerivationId -> NOMStateT m Bool
derivationIsCompleted drvId =
derivationToAnyOutPath drvId >>= \case
Nothing pure False -- Derivation has no "out" output.
Just path storePathExists path
Nothing -> pure False -- Derivation has no "out" output.
Just path -> storePathExists path
detectLocalFinishedBuilds ProcessingT m Bool
detectLocalFinishedBuilds :: ProcessingT m Bool
detectLocalFinishedBuilds = do
runningLocalBuilds CMap.toList <$> getRunningBuildsByHost Localhost -- .> traceShowId
newCompletedOutputs filterM (\(x, _) derivationIsCompleted x) runningLocalBuilds
runningLocalBuilds <- CMap.toList <$> getRunningBuildsByHost Localhost -- .> traceShowId
newCompletedOutputs <- filterM (\(x, _) -> derivationIsCompleted x) runningLocalBuilds
let anyBuildsFinished = not (null newCompletedOutputs)
when anyBuildsFinished (finishBuilds Localhost newCompletedOutputs)
pure anyBuildsFinished
withChange Functor f f b f Bool
withChange :: Functor f => f b -> f Bool
withChange = (True <$)
noChange Applicative f f Bool
noChange :: Applicative f => f Bool
noChange = pure False
processResult UpdateMonad m NixOldStyleMessage ProcessingT m Bool
processResult :: UpdateMonad m => NixOldStyleMessage -> ProcessingT m Bool
processResult result = do
now getNow
now <- getNow
case result of
OldStyleMessage.Uploading path host withChange do
pathId getStorePathId path
OldStyleMessage.Uploading path host -> withChange do
pathId <- getStorePathId path
uploaded host pathId now
OldStyleMessage.Downloading path host withChange do
pathId getStorePathId path
OldStyleMessage.Downloading path host -> withChange do
pathId <- getStorePathId path
downloaded host pathId now
finishBuildByPathId host pathId
OldStyleMessage.PlanCopies _ noChange
OldStyleMessage.Build drvName host withChange do
OldStyleMessage.PlanCopies _ -> noChange
OldStyleMessage.Build drvName host -> withChange do
building host drvName now Nothing
OldStyleMessage.PlanBuilds plannedBuilds _lastBuild withChange do
plannedDrvIds forM (toList plannedBuilds) \drv
OldStyleMessage.PlanBuilds plannedBuilds _lastBuild -> withChange do
plannedDrvIds <- forM (toList plannedBuilds) \drv ->
lookupDerivation drv
planBuilds (fromList plannedDrvIds)
OldStyleMessage.PlanDownloads _download _unpacked plannedDownloads withChange do
plannedDownloadIds forM (toList plannedDownloads) \path
OldStyleMessage.PlanDownloads _download _unpacked plannedDownloads -> withChange do
plannedDownloadIds <- forM (toList plannedDownloads) \path ->
getStorePathId path
planDownloads (fromList plannedDownloadIds)
OldStyleMessage.Checking drvName withChange do
OldStyleMessage.Checking drvName -> withChange do
building Localhost drvName now Nothing
OldStyleMessage.Failed drv code withChange do
drvId lookupDerivation drv
OldStyleMessage.Failed drv code -> withChange do
drvId <- lookupDerivation drv
failedBuild now drvId code
processJsonMessage UpdateMonad m NixJSONMessage ProcessingT m Bool
processJsonMessage :: UpdateMonad m => NixJSONMessage -> ProcessingT m Bool
processJsonMessage = \case
Message MkMessageAction{message, level} | level <= Info && level > Error do
Message MkMessageAction{message, level} | level <= Info && level > Error -> do
let message' = encodeUtf8 message
tell [Right message']
case parseIndentedStoreObject message of
Just (Right download)
Just (Right download) ->
{-# SCC "plan_download" #-}
withChange do
plannedDownloadId getStorePathId download
plannedDownloadId <- getStorePathId download
planDownloads $ one plannedDownloadId
Just (Left build)
Just (Left build) ->
{-# SCC "plan_build" #-}
withChange do
plannedDrvId lookupDerivation build
plannedDrvId <- lookupDerivation build
planBuilds (one plannedDrvId)
_ noChange
_ -> noChange
Message MkMessageAction{message, level = Error}
| stripped stripANSICodes message
, Text.isPrefixOf "error:" stripped
| stripped <- stripANSICodes message
, Text.isPrefixOf "error:" stripped ->
{-# SCC "pass_through_error" #-}
withChange do
errors gets (.nixErrors)
errors <- gets (.nixErrors)
unless (stripped `elem` errors) do
modify' (gfield @"nixErrors" %~ (<> [stripped]))
whenJust (parseOneText Parser.oldStyleParser message) \result
modify' (gfield @"nixErrors" %~ (<> (stripped Seq.<| mempty)))
whenJust (parseOneText Parser.oldStyleParser message) \result ->
void (processResult result)
tell [Right (encodeUtf8 message)]
| stripped stripANSICodes message
, Text.isPrefixOf "note:" stripped
| stripped <- stripANSICodes message
, Text.isPrefixOf "note:" stripped ->
{-# SCC "pass_through_note" #-}
tell [Right (encodeUtf8 message)]
Result MkResultAction{result = BuildLogLine line, id = id'}
Result MkResultAction{result = BuildLogLine line, id = id'} ->
{-# SCC "pass_through_build_line" #-}
nomState get
prefix activityPrefix (view _1 <$> IntMap.lookup id'.value nomState.activities)
nomState <- get
prefix <- activityPrefix ((.activity) <$> IntMap.lookup id'.value nomState.activities)
tell [Right (encodeUtf8 (prefix <> line))]
Result MkResultAction{result = SetPhase phase, id = id'}
{-# SCC "updating_phase" #-} withChange $ modify' (gfield @"activities" %~ IntMap.adjust (_2 ?~ phase) id'.value)
Result MkResultAction{result = Progress progress, id = id'}
{-# SCC "updating_progress" #-} withChange $ modify' (gfield @"activities" %~ IntMap.adjust (_3 ?~ progress) id'.value)
Start startAction@MkStartAction{id = id'}
Result MkResultAction{result = SetPhase phase, id = id'} ->
{-# SCC "updating_phase" #-} withChange $ modify' (gfield @"activities" %~ IntMap.adjust (gfield @"phase" .~ Strict.Just phase) id'.value)
Result MkResultAction{result = Progress progress, id = id'} ->
{-# SCC "updating_progress" #-} withChange $ modify' (gfield @"activities" %~ IntMap.adjust (gfield @"progress" .~ Strict.Just progress) id'.value)
Start startAction@MkStartAction{id = id'} ->
{-# SCC "starting_action" #-}
withChange do
prefix activityPrefix $ Just startAction.activity
prefix <- activityPrefix $ Just startAction.activity
when (not (Text.null startAction.text) && startAction.level <= Info) $ tell [Right . encodeUtf8 $ prefix <> startAction.text]
modify' (gfield @"activities" %~ IntMap.insert id'.value (startAction.activity, Nothing, Nothing))
modify' (gfield @"activities" %~ IntMap.insert id'.value (MkActivityStatus startAction.activity Strict.Nothing Strict.Nothing))
case startAction.activity of
JSON.Build drvName host do
now getNow
JSON.Build drvName host -> do
now <- getNow
building host drvName now (Just id')
JSON.CopyPath path from Localhost do
now getNow
pathId getStorePathId path
JSON.CopyPath path from Localhost -> do
now <- getNow
pathId <- getStorePathId path
downloading from pathId now
JSON.CopyPath path Localhost to do
now getNow
pathId getStorePathId path
JSON.CopyPath path Localhost to -> do
now <- getNow
pathId <- getStorePathId path
uploading to pathId now
_ pass -- tell [Right (encodeUtf8 (markup yellow "unused activity: " <> show <> " " <> show startAction.activity))]
Stop MkStopAction{id = id'}
_ -> pass -- tell [Right (encodeUtf8 (markup yellow "unused activity: " <> show <> " " <> show startAction.activity))]
Stop MkStopAction{id = id'} ->
{-# SCC "stoping_action" #-}
activity gets (\s IntMap.lookup id'.value s.activities)
activity <- gets (\s -> IntMap.lookup id'.value s.activities)
case activity of
Just (JSON.CopyPath path from Localhost, _, _) withChange do
now getNow
pathId getStorePathId path
Just (MkActivityStatus{activity = JSON.CopyPath path from Localhost}) -> withChange do
now <- getNow
pathId <- getStorePathId path
downloaded from pathId now
Just (JSON.CopyPath path Localhost to, _, _) withChange do
now getNow
pathId getStorePathId path
Just (MkActivityStatus{activity = JSON.CopyPath path Localhost to}) -> withChange do
now <- getNow
pathId <- getStorePathId path
uploaded to pathId now
Just (JSON.Build drv host, _, _) do
drvId lookupDerivation drv
isCompleted derivationIsCompleted drvId
Just (MkActivityStatus{activity = JSON.Build drv host}) -> do
drvId <- lookupDerivation drv
isCompleted <- derivationIsCompleted drvId
if isCompleted then withChange $ finishBuildByDrvId host drvId else noChange
_ noChange
_other do
_ -> noChange
_other -> do
-- tell [Right (encodeUtf8 (markup yellow "unused message: " <> show _other))]
appendDifferingPlatform NOMV1State DerivationInfo Text Text
appendDifferingPlatform :: NOMV1State -> DerivationInfo -> Text -> Text
appendDifferingPlatform nomState drvInfo = case (nomState.buildPlatform, drvInfo.platform) of
(Just p1, Just p2) | p1 /= p2 (<> "-" <> p2)
_ id
(Strict.Just p1, Strict.Just p2) | p1 /= p2 -> (<> "-" <> p2)
_ -> id
activityPrefix Maybe Activity ProcessingT m Text
activityPrefix :: Maybe Activity -> ProcessingT m Text
activityPrefix activities = do
case activities of
Just (JSON.Build derivation _) do
drvInfo lookupDerivationInfos derivation
nomState get
Just (JSON.Build derivation _) -> do
drvInfo <- lookupDerivationInfos derivation
nomState <- get
pure $ toText (setSGRCode [Reset]) <> markup blue (appendDifferingPlatform nomState drvInfo (getReportName drvInfo) <> "> ")
_ pure ""
_ -> pure ""
movingAverage Double
movingAverage :: Double
movingAverage = 0.5
reportFinishingBuilds (MonadCacheBuildReports m, MonadNow m) Host NonEmpty (DerivationInfo, AbsTime) m BuildReportMap
reportFinishingBuilds :: (MonadCacheBuildReports m, MonadNow m) => Host -> NonEmpty (DerivationInfo, Double) -> m BuildReportMap
reportFinishingBuilds host builds = do
now getNow
now <- getNow
updateBuildReports (modifyBuildReports host (timeDiffInt now <<$>> builds))
-- | time difference in seconds rounded down
timeDiffInt AbsTime AbsTime Int
timeDiffInt = fmap (floor . relTimeToSeconds) . diffAbsTime
timeDiffInt :: Double -> Double -> Int
timeDiffInt = fmap floor . (-)
finishBuilds Host [(DerivationId, BuildInfo ())] ProcessingT m ()
finishBuilds :: Host -> [(DerivationId, BuildInfo ())] -> ProcessingT m ()
finishBuilds host builds = do
derivationsWithNames forM builds \(drvId, buildInfo)
derivationsWithNames <- forM builds \(drvId, buildInfo) ->
(,buildInfo.start) <$> getDerivationInfos drvId
( \case
Nothing pass
Just finishedBuilds do
newBuildReports reportFinishingBuilds host finishedBuilds
Nothing -> pass
Just finishedBuilds -> do
newBuildReports <- reportFinishingBuilds host finishedBuilds
modify (gfield @"buildReports" .~ newBuildReports)
$ nonEmpty derivationsWithNames
now getNow
forM_ builds \(drv, info) updateDerivationState drv (const (Built (info $> now)))
now <- getNow
forM_ builds \(drv, info) -> updateDerivationState drv (const (Built (info $> now)))
modifyBuildReports Host NonEmpty (DerivationInfo, Int) BuildReportMap BuildReportMap
modifyBuildReports :: Host -> NonEmpty (DerivationInfo, Int) -> BuildReportMap -> BuildReportMap
modifyBuildReports host = foldMapEndo (uncurry insertBuildReport)
insertBuildReport name =
(\new old floor (movingAverage * fromIntegral new + (1 - movingAverage) * fromIntegral old))
(\new old -> floor (movingAverage * fromIntegral new + (1 - movingAverage) * fromIntegral old))
(host, getReportName name)
failedBuild AbsTime DerivationId FailType NOMState ()
failedBuild :: Double -> DerivationId -> FailType -> NOMState ()
failedBuild now drv code = updateDerivationState drv update
update = \case
Built a State.Failed (a $> (now, code))
Building a State.Failed (a $> (now, code))
x x
Built a -> State.Failed (a $> MkBuildFail now code)
Building a -> State.Failed (a $> MkBuildFail now code)
x -> x
lookupDerivation Derivation ProcessingT m DerivationId
lookupDerivation :: Derivation -> ProcessingT m DerivationId
lookupDerivation drv = do
drvId getDerivationId drv
isCached gets (maybe False (.cached) . CMap.lookup drvId . (.derivationInfos))
drvId <- getDerivationId drv
isCached <- gets (maybe False (.cached) . CMap.lookup drvId . (.derivationInfos))
unless isCached $
getDerivation drv >>= \case
Left err tell [Left err]
Right parsedDrv insertDerivation parsedDrv drvId
Left err -> tell [Left err]
Right parsedDrv -> insertDerivation parsedDrv drvId
pure drvId
lookupDerivationInfos Derivation ProcessingT m DerivationInfo
lookupDerivationInfos :: Derivation -> ProcessingT m DerivationInfo
lookupDerivationInfos drvName = do
drvId lookupDerivation drvName
drvId <- lookupDerivation drvName
getDerivationInfos drvId
insertDerivation Nix.Derivation FilePath Text DerivationId ProcessingT m ()
insertDerivation :: Nix.Derivation FilePath Text -> DerivationId -> ProcessingT m ()
insertDerivation derivation drvId = do
derivation.outputs & Map.traverseMaybeWithKey \_ path do
parseStorePath (toText (Nix.path path)) & mapM \pathName do
pathId getStorePathId pathName
modify (gfield @"storePathInfos" %~ CMap.adjust (gfield @"producer" ?~ drvId) pathId)
outputs' <-
derivation.outputs & Map.traverseMaybeWithKey \_ path -> do
parseStorePath (toText (Nix.path path)) & mapM \pathName -> do
pathId <- getStorePathId pathName
modify (gfield @"storePathInfos" %~ CMap.adjust (gfield @"producer" .~ Strict.Just drvId) pathId)
pure pathId
derivation.inputSrcs & flip foldlM mempty \acc path do
parseStorePath (toText path) & mapM \pathName do
pathId getStorePathId pathName
inputSources <-
derivation.inputSrcs & flip foldlM mempty \acc path -> do
pathIdMay <-
parseStorePath (toText path) & mapM \pathName -> do
pathId <- getStorePathId pathName
modify (gfield @"storePathInfos" %~ CMap.adjust (gfield @"inputFor" %~ CSet.insert drvId) pathId)
pure pathId
pure $ maybe id CSet.insert pathIdMay acc
derivation.inputDrvs & Map.toList & mapMaybeM \(drvPath, outs) do
parseDerivation (toText drvPath) & mapM \depName do
depId lookupDerivation depName
inputDerivationsList <-
derivation.inputDrvs & Map.toList & mapMaybeM \(drvPath, outs) -> do
depIdMay <-
parseDerivation (toText drvPath) & mapM \depName -> do
depId <- lookupDerivation depName
modify (gfield @"derivationInfos" %~ CMap.adjust (gfield @"derivationParents" %~ CSet.insert drvId) depId)
modify (gfield @"forestRoots" %~ Seq.filter (/= depId))
pure depId
pure $ (,outs) <$> depIdMay
pure $ (\derivation_id -> MkInputDerivation{derivation = derivation_id, outputs = outs}) <$> depIdMay
let inputDerivations = Seq.fromList inputDerivationsList
modify (gfield @"derivationInfos" %~ CMap.adjust (\i i{outputs = outputs', inputSources, inputDerivations, cached = True, platform = Just derivation.platform, pname = Map.lookup "pname" derivation.env}) drvId)
noParents CSet.null . (.derivationParents) <$> getDerivationInfos drvId
modify (gfield @"derivationInfos" %~ CMap.adjust (\i -> i{outputs = outputs', inputSources, inputDerivations, cached = True, platform = Strict.Just derivation.platform, pname = Strict.toStrict (Map.lookup "pname" derivation.env)}) drvId)
noParents <- CSet.null . (.derivationParents) <$> getDerivationInfos drvId
when noParents $ modify (gfield @"forestRoots" %~ (drvId Seq.<|))
planBuilds Set DerivationId NOMState ()
planBuilds drvIds = forM_ drvIds \drvId
planBuilds :: Set DerivationId -> NOMState ()
planBuilds drvIds = forM_ drvIds \drvId ->
updateDerivationState drvId (const Planned)
planDownloads Set StorePathId NOMState ()
planDownloads pathIds = forM_ pathIds \pathId
planDownloads :: Set StorePathId -> NOMState ()
planDownloads pathIds = forM_ pathIds \pathId ->
insertStorePathState pathId DownloadPlanned Nothing
finishBuildByDrvId Host DerivationId ProcessingT m ()
finishBuildByDrvId :: Host -> DerivationId -> ProcessingT m ()
finishBuildByDrvId host drvId = do
buildInfoMay getBuildInfoIfRunning drvId
whenJust buildInfoMay \buildInfo finishBuilds host [(drvId, buildInfo)]
buildInfoMay <- getBuildInfoIfRunning drvId
whenJust buildInfoMay \buildInfo -> finishBuilds host [(drvId, buildInfo)]
finishBuildByPathId Host StorePathId ProcessingT m ()
finishBuildByPathId :: Host -> StorePathId -> ProcessingT m ()
finishBuildByPathId host pathId = do
drvIdMay outPathToDerivation pathId
whenJust drvIdMay (\x finishBuildByDrvId host x)
drvIdMay <- outPathToDerivation pathId
whenJust drvIdMay (\x -> finishBuildByDrvId host x)
downloading Host StorePathId AbsTime NOMState ()
downloading :: Host -> StorePathId -> Double -> NOMState ()
downloading host pathId start = do
insertStorePathState pathId (State.Downloading MkTransferInfo{host, start, end = ()}) Nothing
getBuildInfoIfRunning DerivationId NOMState (Maybe RunningBuildInfo)
getBuildInfoIfRunning :: DerivationId -> NOMState (Maybe RunningBuildInfo)
getBuildInfoIfRunning drvId =
runMaybeT $ do
drvInfos MaybeT (gets (CMap.lookup drvId . (.derivationInfos)))
drvInfos <- MaybeT (gets (CMap.lookup drvId . (.derivationInfos)))
MaybeT (pure ((() <$) <$> preview (gfield @"buildStatus" % gconstructor @"Building") drvInfos))
downloaded Host StorePathId AbsTime NOMState ()
downloaded :: Host -> StorePathId -> Double -> NOMState ()
downloaded host pathId end = do
insertStorePathState pathId (Downloaded MkTransferInfo{host, start = end, end = Nothing}) $ Just \case
State.Downloading transfer_info | == host Downloaded (transfer_info $> Just end)
other other
insertStorePathState pathId (Downloaded MkTransferInfo{host, start = end, end = Strict.Nothing}) $ Just \case
State.Downloading transfer_info | == host -> Downloaded (transfer_info $> Strict.Just end)
other -> other
uploading Host StorePathId AbsTime NOMState ()
uploading :: Host -> StorePathId -> Double -> NOMState ()
uploading host pathId start =
insertStorePathState pathId (State.Uploading MkTransferInfo{host, start, end = ()}) Nothing
uploaded Host StorePathId AbsTime NOMState ()
uploaded :: Host -> StorePathId -> Double -> NOMState ()
uploaded host pathId end =
insertStorePathState pathId (Uploaded MkTransferInfo{host, start = end, end = Nothing}) $ Just \case
State.Uploading transfer_info | == host Uploaded (transfer_info $> Just end)
other other
insertStorePathState pathId (Uploaded MkTransferInfo{host, start = end, end = Strict.Nothing}) $ Just \case
State.Uploading transfer_info | == host -> Uploaded (transfer_info $> Strict.Just end)
other -> other
building Host Derivation AbsTime Maybe ActivityId ProcessingT m ()
building :: Host -> Derivation -> Double -> Maybe ActivityId -> ProcessingT m ()
building host drvName now activityId = do
reportName getReportName <$> lookupDerivationInfos drvName
lastNeeded Map.lookup (host, reportName) . (.buildReports) <$> get
drvId lookupDerivation drvName
updateDerivationState drvId (const (Building (MkBuildInfo now host lastNeeded activityId ())))
reportName <- getReportName <$> lookupDerivationInfos drvName
lastNeeded <- Map.lookup (host, reportName) . (.buildReports) <$> get
drvId <- lookupDerivation drvName
updateDerivationState drvId (const (Building (MkBuildInfo now host (Strict.toStrict lastNeeded) (Strict.toStrict activityId) ())))
updateDerivationState DerivationId (BuildStatus BuildStatus) NOMState ()
updateDerivationState :: DerivationId -> (BuildStatus -> BuildStatus) -> NOMState ()
updateDerivationState drvId updateStatus = do
-- Update derivationInfo for this Derivation
derivation_infos getDerivationInfos drvId
derivation_infos <- getDerivationInfos drvId
let oldStatus = derivation_infos.buildStatus
newStatus = updateStatus oldStatus
when (oldStatus /= newStatus) do
@ -443,10 +446,10 @@ updateDerivationState drvId updateStatus = do
-- Update fullSummary
modify (gfield @"fullSummary" %~ update_summary)
updateParents Bool (DependencySummary DependencySummary) (DependencySummary DependencySummary) DerivationSet NOMState ()
updateParents :: Bool -> (DependencySummary -> DependencySummary) -> (DependencySummary -> DependencySummary) -> DerivationSet -> NOMState ()
updateParents force_direct update_func clear_func direct_parents = do
relevant_parents (if force_direct then CSet.union direct_parents else id) <$> collect_parents True mempty direct_parents
parents collect_parents False mempty direct_parents
relevant_parents <- (if force_direct then CSet.union direct_parents else id) <$> collect_parents True mempty direct_parents
parents <- collect_parents False mempty direct_parents
( gfield @"derivationInfos"
%~ apply_to_all_summaries update_func relevant_parents
@ -454,45 +457,45 @@ updateParents force_direct update_func clear_func direct_parents = do
modify (gfield @"touchedIds" %~ CSet.union parents)
(DependencySummary DependencySummary)
DerivationMap DerivationInfo
apply_to_all_summaries ::
(DependencySummary -> DependencySummary) ->
DerivationSet ->
DerivationMap DerivationInfo ->
DerivationMap DerivationInfo
apply_to_all_summaries func = foldMapEndo (CMap.adjust (gfield @"dependencySummary" %~ func)) . CSet.toList
collect_parents Bool DerivationSet DerivationSet NOMState DerivationSet
collect_parents :: Bool -> DerivationSet -> DerivationSet -> NOMState DerivationSet
collect_parents no_irrelevant collected_parents parents_to_scan = case CSet.maxView parents_to_scan of
Nothing pure collected_parents
Just (current_parent, rest_to_scan) do
drv_infos getDerivationInfos current_parent
transfer_states fold <$> forM (Map.lookup "out" drv_infos.outputs) (fmap (.states) . \x getStorePathInfos x)
let all_transfers_completed = all (\x has (gconstructor @"Downloaded") x || has (gconstructor @"Uploaded") x) transfer_states
Nothing -> pure collected_parents
Just (current_parent, rest_to_scan) -> do
drv_infos <- getDerivationInfos current_parent
transfer_states <- fold <$> forM (Map.lookup "out" drv_infos.outputs) (fmap (.states) . \x -> getStorePathInfos x)
let all_transfers_completed = all (\x -> has (gconstructor @"Downloaded") x || has (gconstructor @"Uploaded") x) transfer_states
is_irrelevant = all_transfers_completed && has (gconstructor @"Unknown") drv_infos.buildStatus || has (gconstructor @"Built") drv_infos.buildStatus
proceed = collect_parents no_irrelevant
if is_irrelevant && no_irrelevant
then proceed collected_parents rest_to_scan
else proceed (CSet.insert current_parent collected_parents) (CSet.union (CSet.difference drv_infos.derivationParents collected_parents) rest_to_scan)
updateStorePathStates StorePathState Maybe (StorePathState StorePathState) Set StorePathState Set StorePathState
updateStorePathStates :: StorePathState -> Maybe (StorePathState -> StorePathState) -> Set StorePathState -> Set StorePathState
updateStorePathStates new_state update_state =
Set.insert new_state
. localFilter
. ( case update_state of
Just update_func Set.fromList . fmap update_func . Set.toList
Nothing id
Just update_func -> Set.fromList . fmap update_func . Set.toList
Nothing -> id
localFilter = case new_state of
DownloadPlanned id
State.Downloading _ Set.filter (DownloadPlanned /=)
Downloaded _ Set.filter (DownloadPlanned /=) -- We dont need to filter downloading state because that has already been handled by the update_state function
State.Uploading _ id
Uploaded _ id -- Analogous to downloaded
DownloadPlanned -> id
State.Downloading _ -> Set.filter (DownloadPlanned /=)
Downloaded _ -> Set.filter (DownloadPlanned /=) -- We dont need to filter downloading state because that has already been handled by the update_state function
State.Uploading _ -> id
Uploaded _ -> id -- Analogous to downloaded
insertStorePathState StorePathId StorePathState Maybe (StorePathState StorePathState) NOMState ()
insertStorePathState :: StorePathId -> StorePathState -> Maybe (StorePathState -> StorePathState) -> NOMState ()
insertStorePathState storePathId new_store_path_state update_store_path_state = do
-- Update storePathInfos for this Storepath
store_path_info getStorePathInfos storePathId
store_path_info <- getStorePathInfos storePathId
let oldStatus = store_path_info.states
newStatus = updateStorePathStates new_store_path_state update_store_path_state oldStatus
modify (gfield @"storePathInfos" %~ CMap.adjust (gfield @"states" .~ newStatus) storePathId)
@ -501,7 +504,7 @@ insertStorePathState storePathId new_store_path_state update_store_path_state =
clear_summary = clearStorePathsFromSummary oldStatus storePathId
-- Update summaries of all parents
updateParents True update_summary clear_summary (maybe id CSet.insert store_path_info.producer store_path_info.inputFor)
updateParents True update_summary clear_summary (Strict.maybe id CSet.insert store_path_info.producer store_path_info.inputFor)
-- Update fullSummary
modify (gfield @"fullSummary" %~ update_summary)

View file

@ -6,36 +6,32 @@ module NOM.Update.Monad (
module NOM.Update.Monad.CacheBuildReports,
) where
import Relude
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (WriterT)
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TextIO
import System.Directory (doesPathExist)
-- attoparsec
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (eitherResult, parse)
import Data.Text.IO qualified as TextIO
-- nix-derivation
import Nix.Derivation qualified as Nix
import GHC.Clock qualified
import NOM.Builds (Derivation, StorePath)
import NOM.Error (NOMError (..))
import NOM.Update.Monad.CacheBuildReports
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Clock (getTime)
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Clock.Type (Clock (Monotonic))
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Units (AbsTime)
import Nix.Derivation qualified as Nix
import Relude
import System.Directory (doesPathExist)
type UpdateMonad m = (Monad m, MonadNow m, MonadReadDerivation m, MonadCacheBuildReports m, MonadCheckStorePath m)
class Monad m => MonadNow m where
getNow :: m AbsTime
getNow :: m Double
instance MonadNow IO where
getNow = getTime Monotonic
getNow = GHC.Clock.getMonotonicTime
instance MonadNow m => MonadNow (StateT a m) where
getNow = lift getNow
instance (Monoid a, MonadNow m) => MonadNow (WriterT a m) where
getNow = lift getNow
@ -54,8 +50,10 @@ instance MonadReadDerivation IO where
instance MonadReadDerivation m => MonadReadDerivation (StateT a m) where
getDerivation = lift . getDerivation
instance MonadReadDerivation m => MonadReadDerivation (ExceptT a m) where
getDerivation = lift . getDerivation
instance (Monoid a, MonadReadDerivation m) => MonadReadDerivation (WriterT a m) where
getDerivation = lift . getDerivation
@ -64,7 +62,9 @@ class Monad m => MonadCheckStorePath m where
instance MonadCheckStorePath IO where
storePathExists = doesPathExist . toString
instance MonadCheckStorePath m => MonadCheckStorePath (StateT a m) where
storePathExists = lift . storePathExists
instance (Monoid a, MonadCheckStorePath m) => MonadCheckStorePath (WriterT a m) where
storePathExists = lift . storePathExists

View file

@ -6,23 +6,21 @@ module NOM.Update.Monad.CacheBuildReports (
) where
import Relude
import Control.Exception (IOException, catch)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (WriterT)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import System.Directory (XdgDirectory (XdgCache), createDirectoryIfMissing, getXdgDirectory, removeFile)
-- cassava
import Data.Csv (FromRecord, HasHeader (NoHeader), ToRecord, decode, encode)
-- data-default
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
-- filepath
import System.FilePath ((</>))
-- lock-file
import NOM.Builds (Host (..))
import Relude
import System.Directory (XdgDirectory (XdgCache), createDirectoryIfMissing, getXdgDirectory, removeFile)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO.LockFile (
LockingException (CaughtIOException, UnableToAcquireLockFile),
LockingParameters (retryToAcquireLock, sleepBetweenRetries),
@ -31,8 +29,6 @@ import System.IO.LockFile (
import NOM.Builds (Host (..))
-- Exposed functions
class Monad m => MonadCacheBuildReports m where
@ -58,6 +54,7 @@ instance MonadCacheBuildReports IO where
instance MonadCacheBuildReports m => MonadCacheBuildReports (StateT a m) where
getCachedBuildReports = lift getCachedBuildReports
updateBuildReports = lift . updateBuildReports
instance (Monoid a, MonadCacheBuildReports m) => MonadCacheBuildReports (WriterT a m) where
getCachedBuildReports = lift getCachedBuildReports
updateBuildReports = lift . updateBuildReports
@ -75,7 +72,7 @@ tryUpdateBuildReports updateFunc = do
updateBuildReportsUnlocked :: (BuildReportMap -> BuildReportMap) -> FilePath -> IO BuildReportMap
updateBuildReportsUnlocked updateFunc dir = do
!reports <- updateFunc <$> loadBuildReports dir
reports <- updateFunc <$> loadBuildReports dir
reports <$ saveBuildReports dir reports
memptyOnLockFail :: Monoid b => LockingException -> IO b

View file

@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
module NOM.Util (foldMapEndo, forMaybeM, diffTime, relTimeToSeconds) where
module NOM.Util (foldMapEndo, forMaybeM) where
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime)
import Relude
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Time.Units (AbsTime, MilliSecond64 (..), RelTime, diffAbsTime, fromRelTime)
foldMapEndo :: Foldable f => (b -> a -> a) -> f b -> a -> a
foldMapEndo f = appEndo . foldMap (Endo . f)
forMaybeM :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> m [b]
forMaybeM = flip mapMaybeM
relTimeToSeconds :: RelTime -> NominalDiffTime
relTimeToSeconds rel_time = case fromRelTime rel_time of
MilliSecond64 milli_sec -> fromInteger $ toInteger milli_sec `div` 1000

View file

@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ common common-config
, safe
, stm
, streamly
, strict
, strict-types
, terminal-size
, text
, time
@ -87,6 +89,7 @@ library
import: common-config
hs-source-dirs: lib

View file

@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
module Main (main) where
import Relude
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import System.Environment qualified
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Test.HUnit (
Counts (errors, failures),
Testable (test),
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (WriterT (runWriterT))
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import NOM.Builds (parseStorePath)
import NOM.IO (processTextStream)
import NOM.IO.ParseStream.Attoparsec (parseStreamAttoparsec)
@ -39,6 +24,19 @@ import NOM.Update (
import NOM.Update.Monad (UpdateMonad)
import NOM.Util (forMaybeM)
import Relude
import System.Environment qualified
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Test.HUnit (
Counts (errors, failures),
Testable (test),
tests :: [Bool -> Test]
tests = [golden1]

View file

@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
import Relude
import Relude.Unsafe qualified as Unsafe
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (IResult (Done), parse)
import Data.Set (singleton)
import Test.HUnit
import NOM.Builds
import NOM.NixMessage.OldStyle (NixOldStyleMessage (..))
import NOM.Parser
import Relude
import Relude.Unsafe qualified as Unsafe
import Test.HUnit
assertOldStyleParse :: ByteString -> IO (ByteString, NixOldStyleMessage)
assertOldStyleParse input = do