All checks were successful
Nix build / nix-build (nixosConfigurations.apollo.config.system.build.toplevel) (push) Successful in 2m21s
Nix build / nix-build (nixosConfigurations.athene.config.system.build.toplevel) (push) Successful in 1m35s
Nix build / nix-build (nixosConfigurations.hephaistos.config.system.build.toplevel) (push) Successful in 2m12s
Nix build / nix-build (nixosConfigurations.hera.config.system.build.toplevel) (push) Successful in 1m28s
Nix build / nix-build (nixosConfigurations.zeus.config.system.build.toplevel) (push) Successful in 2m10s
Nix build / nix-flake-check (push) Successful in 2m40s

This commit is contained in:
maralorn 2024-04-14 03:12:06 +02:00
parent 78d9e3c440
commit b4248aa56c
7 changed files with 102 additions and 55 deletions

View file

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ common warnings
@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ common warnings
default-language: GHC2021

View file

@ -1,21 +1,38 @@
module Bluefin.Dialog where
import Bluefin.Reflex
import Maralude
import Reflex
newtype Page a = MkPage (List (List (Element a)))
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Page a = MkPage {lines :: List (Line a)}
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
deriving stock (Functor)
newtype Line a = MkLine {elems :: List (Element a)}
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
deriving stock (Functor)
data Element a where
TextElement :: Text -> Element a
ButtonElement :: Text -> a -> Element a
FormElement :: (Text, a) -> Element (Text, a)
FormElement :: Text -> (Text -> a) -> Element a
deriving stock (Functor)
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Element a)
showPage :: (Reflex t, e :> es) => Dialog t e -> Dynamic t (Page a) -> Eff es (Event t a)
showPage MkDialog{run, r} page = do
pb <- reflex r getPostBuild
useImpl do run (leftmost [updated page, current page <@ pb])
deriving instance Show a => Show (Element a)
data Dialog t e = MkDialog
{ run :: forall a. Event t (Page a) -> Eff e (Event t a)
, r :: ReflexE t e
showPage :: e :> es => Dialog t e -> Event t (Page a) -> Eff es (Event t a)
showPage (MkDialog impl) page = useImpl do impl page
line :: Line a -> Page a
line = MkPage . (: [])
newtype Dialog t e = MkDialog (forall a. Event t (Page a) -> Eff e (Event t a))
txt :: Text -> Line a
txt = MkLine . (: []) . TextElement
button :: Text -> a -> Line a
button lbl val = MkLine [ButtonElement lbl val]

View file

@ -50,14 +50,19 @@ runDomDialogBody
-> (forall e. Dialog t e -> Eff (e :& es) ())
-> Eff es ()
runDomDialogBody = \r d act ->
inContext' . act $ MkDialog @t @er \ePage ->
switchDyn <$> dom r d do networkHold (pure never) do ePage <&> renderPage
. act
$ MkDialog
{ run = \ePage ->
switchDyn <$> dom r d do networkHold (pure never) do ePage <&> renderPage
, r
elClss :: DomBuilder t m => Text -> [Text] -> m a -> m a
elClss tg clss = elClass tg (clss ^. re worded)
renderPage :: (DomBuilder t m, MonadReflex t m) => Page a -> m (Event t a)
renderPage = \(MkPage rows) -> elClss
renderPage = \page -> elClss
[ "h-full"
, "p-2"
@ -70,8 +75,8 @@ renderPage = \(MkPage rows) -> elClss
, "bg-indigo-950"
evs <- forM rows \row ->
el "div" $ forM row \case
evs <- forM page.lines \line' ->
el "div" $ forM line'.elems \case
TextElement t -> do
el "span" $ text t
pure never

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Bluefin.Reflex
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async)
import Control.Concurrent.Async qualified as Async
import Data.Char qualified as Char
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Map.Lazy qualified as LMap
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Maralude
@ -26,22 +26,29 @@ runTermDialog
-> ReflexE t e2
-> (forall e. Dialog t e -> Eff (e :& es) a)
-> Eff es a
runTermDialog = \io r act -> inContext' $ inContext' $ assoc1Eff $ act $ MkDialog @t @(e1 :& e2) \ev -> do
(retEv, hook) <- reflex r newTriggerEvent
_ <- runState Nothing $ \thread ->
performEffEvent r
$ ev
<&> \page -> do
whenJustM (get thread) (effIO io . Async.cancel)
put thread . Just =<< async io do
effIO io . hook =<< withEarlyReturn \ret -> forever do
effIO io $ do clearScreen; putStr resetColor
keybinds <- renderPage io page
effIO io do putStr [i|#{color Magenta}> |]; hFlush stdout
input <- effIO io getLine <&> preview (ix 0 % to (`Map.lookup` keybinds) % _Just)
whenJust input (returnEarly ret)
pure retEv
runTermDialog = \io r act ->
. inContext'
. assoc1Eff
. act @(e1 :& e2)
$ MkDialog
{ run = \ev -> do
(retEv, hook) <- reflex r newTriggerEvent
_ <- runState Nothing $ \thread ->
performEffEvent r
$ ev
<&> \page -> do
whenJustM (get thread) (effIO io . Async.cancel)
put thread . Just =<< async io do
effIO io . hook =<< withEarlyReturn \ret -> forever do
effIO io $ do clearScreen; putStr resetColor
keybinds <- renderPage io page
effIO io do putStr [i|#{color Magenta}> |]; hFlush stdout
input <- effIO io getLine <&> preview (ix 0 % to (`LMap.lookup` keybinds) % _Just)
whenJust input (returnEarly ret)
pure retEv
, r = mapHandle r
color :: Color -> String
color c = setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Vivid c]
@ -53,17 +60,17 @@ async :: e :> es => IOE e -> Eff es a -> Eff es (Async a)
async = \io act -> withEffToIO (\runInIO -> Async.async $ runInIO (const (useImpl act))) io
renderPage :: e :> es => IOE e -> Page a -> Eff es (Map Char a)
renderPage = \io (MkPage rows) -> do
renderPage = \io page -> do
execState mempty $ \st -> do
forM_ rows \row -> do
elems <- forM row \case
forM_ page.lines \row -> do
elems <- forM row.elems \case
TextElement t -> pure t
ButtonElement label value -> do
keybinds <- get st
chooseHotkey (Map.keysSet keybinds) label & maybe
chooseHotkey (LMap.keysSet keybinds) label & maybe
(pure label)
\key -> do
put st $ Map.insert key value keybinds
put st $ LMap.insert key value keybinds
[i|#{color Magenta}#{Char.toUpper key}: #{color Blue}#{label}#{resetColor}|]
_ -> error "not supported"

View file

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Bluefin.Reflex (ReflexE (..), reflex, reflexIO, MonadReflex, performEffEvent, runRequesterT, runPerformEventT) where
import Bluefin.Internal (Eff (UnsafeMkEff), unsafeUnEff)
import Control.Concurrent (Chan)
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import GHC.Base qualified as GHC
import Maralude
@ -10,6 +11,8 @@ import Reflex hiding (runRequesterT)
import Reflex.Requester.Base.Internal (RequesterState)
import Reflex.Spider.Internal (HasSpiderTimeline, SpiderHostFrame, runSpiderHostFrame, unEventM)
deriving newtype instance MonadFix (Eff es)
-- | Reflex Effect Handle
data ReflexE t (es :: Effects) where
@ -21,6 +24,11 @@ data ReflexE t (es :: Effects) where
-> ReflexE (SpiderTimeline x) es
instance Handle (ReflexE t) where
mapHandle = \case
MkReflex{triggerChan, postBuild, requesterStateHandle, requesterSelector} ->
MkReflex{triggerChan, postBuild, requesterStateHandle = mapHandle requesterStateHandle, requesterSelector}
-- Uncommented: Other available type classes which I dont want to expose.
type MonadReflexIO t m =
( Adjustable t m

View file

@ -26,23 +26,29 @@ entryPoint = \io -> do
["web"] -> webApp
_ -> error "not implemented"
data NavState = StartPage | Numbers | Congrats | Disappointment
type Update = NavState
processUpdate :: Update -> NavState
processUpdate = id
viewState :: NavState -> Page Update
viewState =
StartPage -> line (txt "Hello World!") <> line (button "Start numbers game" Numbers)
Numbers ->
line (txt "What is the best number?")
<> line (txt "An even one?" <> button "70" Disappointment <> button "42" Disappointment)
<> line (txt "Or an ott one?" <> button "Twentythree" Disappointment <> button "Seventeeeeeen" Congrats)
<> footer
Congrats -> line (txt "Good choice") <> footer
Disappointment -> line (txt "Meh") <> footer
footer = line mempty <> line (button "Back to start" StartPage)
app :: (e1 :> es, e2 :> es, e3 :> es, Reflex t) => IOE e1 -> ReflexE t e2 -> Dialog t e3 -> Eff es ()
app = \io r dialog -> do
pb <- reflex r getPostBuild
ev <-
showPage dialog
$ pb
$> MkPage
[ [TextElement "Hello World!"]
, [TextElement "What is the best number?"]
, [TextElement "An even one?", ButtonElement "70" 70, ButtonElement "42" 42]
, [TextElement "Or an ott one?", ButtonElement "Twentythree" 23, ButtonElement "Seventeeeeeen" (17 :: Int)]
_ <-
performEffEvent r
$ ev
<&> ( \case
17 -> effIO io (say "Good choice")
_ -> effIO io (say "Meh")
pure ()
app = \_ r dialog -> mdo
state <- reflex r $ holdDyn StartPage (processUpdate <$> newState)
newState <- showPage dialog $ viewState <$> state

View file

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module Maralude
, isomorph
, worded
, lined
, MonadFix
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ import Bluefin.IO
import Bluefin.Internal (In, assoc1Eff, cmp, fstI, inContext, sndI, weakenEff)
import Bluefin.Internal qualified as BF
import Bluefin.State
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
import Data.String.Interpolate
import GHC.List (List)
import Optics